
I just watched this episode….
Did the writers really just sweep it under the rug or is Wu/Drew just faking how he got over the encounter/simply dismissed it as something else?

I remember as a kid looking for adventure, my friends and I would wake up past midnight and go for an Aswang hunt. We'd take cloves of garlic, a pack of salt, and a plastic rosary. I'm glad I grew up with such superstition. If I imagined the Aswang to look just like the one in the show, I'd probably just let my

They pronounced it as "Ah-swong." If you listen to a Filipino say it, you'd hear something like "Uh-swung."

I just wished they stuck with the original Aswang folklore instead of the tradition they made up to interpret the creature in the show. As a Filipino, I grew up almost believing in its existence (but I still don't doubt the possibility of it though), It's some sort of demonic power that is passed down from one person

A lot of Filipinos (used to) believe in such superstition. Some still do. It's a part of our culture. I don't think that we'd hard a hard time accepting it as a reality. I'm wondering if the writers also considered this. Maybe because living in America has closed his mind a bit?

I'm sure you can't imagine that some Filipinos back in the days, even up to now, who believe in its existence. Some just hang cloves of garlic, ready a bolo knife under that bed and a pack of salt, and check the ceiling (which is the underside of the roof made of thatched dried coconut leaves) for holes - that's the

I can assure you that the eating of the grandchild is just something the writers chose to interpret the Aswang in the show, but they do eat babies. Lol! I'm a Filipino and most of us aren't aware of the said ritual.
Judging by your reaction, you wouldn't want to hear the accurate details about the creature. >_<

Filipinos (I am one) tend to be too open-minded. In the old days, Aswangs weren't a myth for some, even up to this day, there are people would still hang cloves of garlics inside their houses whenever there's someone pregnant to repel those beings.