
“In this case the role of the FDA should essentially be to ensure that there is no detectable active substance. Everything else is not ‘homeopathic’.”

If I understand the theory, a major tenet of Homeo is “like cures like”, which means you find something that caused sore gums, then dilute the bejasus out of it to stimulate the body’s own healing properties. Is this why belladonna is used here?

It’s a myth that homeopathic remedies all have no active ingredients. “low potency” remedies such as 6C will have active ingredients. According to the quak dogma, these “low potencies” that can be bought in the drug store are less strong than the high dilution ones that are just water/sugar pills that homeopathic

Clove oil was the first thing I was thinking of as well. I don’t know why you’d bother with the potential risk of using belladonna when something safer and more effective while also quite cheap is available.

if an active ingredient is dilluted to nothing than why not just give them nothing? it’s supposed to have the same effect.

Excellent taste in beer. Or Hacker Pschorr Weisse, or Bell’s Winter White Ale.

When people first started talking about autonomous vehicles 30-40 years ago, they were expecting to have autonomous-only driving lanes (with guide-wires in the pavement or something). Then they realized just how expensive and impractical that would be to build.

If it was solar powered, that car could end up circling the block for centuries, waiting for civilization to re-emerge enough to recreate parking spaces.

we’re still on jalopnik, so you’re in equal company ;)

Or you could just buy a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 and a new Jeep. WHAT A DEAL!!!

Most of that admin is probably managing your grants so they can charge you more overhead to manage your grants.

If you implemented this at the university level, you could solve a bunch of the systemic problems plaguing higher education. Administrative bloat is a huge problem. In the past 20 years (probably more like 45, but I’ll be kind) admin has skyrocketed. Take a look at these numbers from the California university system.

And what did you do with your other 23hrs and 58 minutes?

Completely agree. It is so much cheaper than Whole Foods, and its produce is excellent. Better than any other store in our area. Their prices for cereal are on par with Target and Wal-mart.

Well, for pre-owned, I’ve rarely seen that be an issue. If I can get a better rate, it’s hard for them to argue. But yes, with new car purchases, I’ve done financing through the dealer if it gets me a better deal on the car — I just confirm there is no prepayment penalty (they isn’t) and I then switch to my own

Here’s my fixie story. It involves a rapid and unexpected increase in altitude, followed by a rapid and hard landing.

Because it’s a little bit silly. CE and BCE are just AD and BC renamed respectively. CE and BCE are still differentiated by the old supposed birth of Christ. And frankly, I don’t see how the time of Augustus Ceasar is more common to us than the time of Julius Caesar. If you’re going to dereligionize our dating system,

My God, you're an ignorant piece of shit. Please go away.

You didn't read what I wrote or understand it at all.
In case you're actually interested, I have real humanities degrees from real universities, both of which are generally lousy at sports, and a real job in the private sector that requires actual thinking.