
Don’t understand this. If a bill is correct - why argue? Are we on a bazar in Uzbekistan? (sorry, Uzbekistan - I’ll be happy to bargain if I AM at a bazar there...) 

Is that the woman with the cerebrospinal leak from Infinite Jest?

That’s the type of road where in Germany, during your driver’s license final test, the instructor would take you, make you stop the car uphill, and start moving again.

You would know then?

Thanks for that in-depth answer! My follow-up question would then be about these legality of such ‘covenants’ (which does sound awe-inspiringly biblical!). Similar to when you sign a dodgy purchase agreement, you might be off the hook, because that contract per se was not legally valid.

I’m curious what the legal basis for any HOA is. Could I not - in theory - ignore a HOA, as long as I follow city/town ordinances (like ‘city law breaks neighborhood law’, or so)? Shouldn’t a bunch of good lawyers be able to pull the rug out under such organizations that play vigilantes?

You’re taking a vacuum with you when you go to the loo then, right? (all that dust...)

You’re taking a vacuum with you when you go to the loo then, right? (all that dust...)

The UK-Can-NZ part is usually not a problem, as far as I know, because all these countries are part of the Commonwealth.

He’s German. (How that NewZealand thing works, I dunno. Officially, Germany doesn’t allow dual citizenship [but there’s probably ways around that, with enough money]).

Does one still find reachable but relatively quiet spots in the Cascades, or is everything around Seattle (or Portland - I would need a city with a university...) totally overrun?

I am in that state (and yes, Sleeping Bear Dunes are wonderful), but I would really like to live in the Pacific Northwest. Never been there before, but I’m told it’s got sea AND mountains. niece is in her first year of driving and quite definitely still learning the art...

Sorry - but you’re missing a big point here: ethics regulations are about a lot more than whether a medication is ‘safe’. These regulations deal with informed participant consent, potential coercion or participants, vulnerable populations, risk/benefit considerations, soundness of methodology, guaranteeing

Based on its slow movement it’s hardly ‘barreling’ - it’s more like moseying.

A ranger in an Australian national park once explained to me that the tiger snake’s fang mechanism is archaic, in that the groove where the venom comes down the fang is on the front side. As a result (cue ‘Stralian lingo): “if she bites you, most of the venom runs down on the outside of our pants; you’ll only get a

How uncultured! Kissing the hand is what makes you a true gentleman. Please note that, if the woman is married, your lips must not touch the back of the hand; if she’s unmarried, your lips may touch the hand - ever so slightly and fleetingly, of course.

So much for greenhouse gasses...

Does it dim enough at night? Having a large white surface in the peripheral visual field wouldn’t make sense. Also: analog speed display or only digital? The latter would also not make sense, because you have to look longer at it than at a analog display (and it’s already in the periphery!).

Climate change might have sped up their re-appearance, but it is relatively normal for glaciers to divulge objects/people at where they end - glaciers are moving (at a glacial speed, of course).

He could at least have put the glass in a recycling bin. But that’s probably not ‘convenient’ enough...