
Safety is just one criterion, and might not even be the most important.

But what we do have are specialized programs that can do a single task better than you can do that single task, and that is all that really matters.

Agreed with your argument about the Turing test. X-ray/CT scan evaluation could even be beneficial, due to high experience bias (and related error rates) in radiologists. But all this is still ‘simple’ rule-based learning, and I’m hesitant to call it AI. We are on the other side of the chessboard, that’s correct, but

Ok - in that respect my analogy was a bit off, you’re right.

AI is the next flying car: always seemingly around the corner, but never really here. This is true today as much as it was during the first AI hype in the 1980s, when Minsky & co promised us AI within ten years. Keep in mind that there is an inflationary use of the term ‘AI’: What is so conveniently called AI these

Ok, I give you all these points except for the last one. Quite likely Norilsk schools have more academic rigor than public schools in, let’s say, Indiana.

we’re going again through something similar - this time in form of the ‘autonomous car’ with ‘artificial intelligence’...

Assuming it was tuned ok, it probably was because the driver didn’t know how to drive a diesel - from certain revs upward, it doesn’t produce more acceleration, but only more smoke. Stay below that, and you’re fine.

...but please don’t give them the same crap interior the Fords have.

But then, God forbid, you’d have to regulate some corporations - ewwww...

Repeat after me: what is marketed these days as artificial intelligence is not what is meant by the term artificial intelligence.

Summers off?! The ‘off’ applies only to being ‘off payroll’... At least at research universities, summers are for research and writing up stuff.

See, the thing is once you have autonomous vehicles, you aren’t interested any longer to go anywhere special. The autonomous car was invented BECAUSE it allows you to text, phone, post cat videos, swig hot coffee - all during driving. Once you got your nose stuck in portable devices, you don’t need any destination -

ONE of the universities there, mind you.

Ha - you must be a spook with the ASIO then. Hobart branch?

You... seem to know... stuff.

These data. THESE. ‘Data’ is plural. See - boner gone.

I think it would make an interesting legal case if one answered “I forgot; it happens to me when I’m under stress”. They can’t do anything about this - you can demonstrate that you cooperate, but, heck, you just irrecoverably forgot.

Except that these amendments are suspended at the border + 100 miles into the country.

When watching the video, I was amazed by how much I wanted to be ‘properly aligned’ with earth, i.e. feet towards earth, head away. Whenever the picture rotated, I felt like ‘no, no, no, put.your.feet.downward”.