
The Greeks have had something like that for ages: Komboloi. And they don’t make a big fuss about it.

So we want to export our horrible obesity/diabetes/bowel-dysfunction-inducing processed food to other nations, or even Mars?

The Jeep Cherokee (XJ) - 264k miles on the odometer before that indestructible inline six became an inline 4.5...

I have to admit, doing a 180 turn in the middle of the pack and running into someone head first was always the most fun.

What guarantees you that the technological solution is better?

...and on top of this, they show speed in digits - it’s been shown long ago that this takes longer to read and process than just eyeballing the position of a needle.

Good grief - are we in for a new round of ‘technological positivism’, i.e. the naive belief that anything can be solved in no time just by applying the right technology?

Ha! Beats your Sprite (in terms of tires...).

NASA really should bend over to do this.

Add the original stress on the last syllable (Ouranós) to this, and we should be good.

But they agree what it does: exerting a force towards the center of the earth - and that’s the point here.

I hear you - been in a similar situation for a while (large research university, no raises for 4 years after the economy crashed in 2009...). Sometimes you need to ride it out - granted, the way you’re ‘cheated’ out of your financial rewards sucks. BUT, this is only money - it’s much more important whether you like to

I would think that you’re still in the ‘old’ funding cycle, and get the money (congrats, btw, that’s a great score!). If not, make sure you sell that point (good score - no funding because of budget cuts) well in your annual evaluation and talk to your chair and your dean about this. These people need to be aware of

nope - not on facebook.

He looks scared because he has to sit in a Chevy...

They’re also amongst the largest air polluters on the seas. Completely unnecessary.

It’s very telling that it only performs pieces where it can show off its technical capabilities (sometimes called ‘brilliance’ in pianists). Have it play a Mozart Andante so that you feel moved, and then we’ll talk...

Beamtentum is not really bureaucracy - it refers to the status as tenured federal of state employee. This includes professions like teachers, or priests, and not only people in ‘traditional’ bureaucracy.

The separation of the conjoined twins was certainly pioneering at the time, but wasn’t as successful as it is often said. One of the twins died not too long after, the other is severely impaired.