
I remember many, many years ago (and new in the country) I looked at the old time table in the Tempe, AZ station, which said something like

‘survey research’ and ‘science’ is an odd couple anyway - whether falsified or not.

No - but the other night I dreamt that somebody would come into the room, and reboot me. I woke up from sleep, my CPU clocking quite high, and all fans whirring. Took 30 minutes until my screen turned off again...

oh wow - the big guns... Just curious: how is the whole servicing/getting parts side for these beasts in the US?

You don’t have to completely kick it. Just try to get in less (sodas, juices, bakery-stuff). Try something like trail-mix (the ‘pure’ form, just nuts, raisins etc., no M&Ms!!) - it is very satiating, takes care of the sweets-craving, AND is healthy.

Here ya go. But only this time!

There is not only a distrust between police and citizens, but also enormous distrust between citizens, within the whole society. Maybe this is not really surprising, given that anyone out there can have a gun, and can, theoretically, shoot you.

...and no Pinzgauers? Probably not state-side... They’re one of the most capable off-road / camping vehicles.

Ahh - Land Bruiser with a roof tent! That’s all you need to get anywhere you want. Reinforce the C-pillars, though.

What the heck were you doing with an ice axe and crampons in Vietnam?! Are there ice gullies I don’t know of?

c’mon, man, breathe deep, draw on your wisdom, and have a beer.

We’ve sent pigs into space!

Servas, kennst di aus, ha?

This proves a theory of mine : that uneducated people shouldn’t become rich.

Wow, you seem to have some insights there. So - what, in your opinion, makes the market not functioning well here? By ‘market’ I mean a market that is a bit ‘moderated’ in order to prevent it from going to either of its extreme ends (maybe that’s an utopia already...).

Why would affordable housing (and by that I mean not-luxury-housing-for-the-top-20%) raise market price for everybody else? I don’t mind my taxes going up a little if (some) developments are regulated such that they enable the middle class to afford housing.

...all that developers want to make are luxury condos and luxury skyscrapers...

What about silver iodine tablets? Always used them in Nepal, never had a problem with them. I’ve also found that, in countries like these, if you try to get the ‘big shit’ within the first few days (and plan for it), and allow your body to build up antibodies, you’ll be fine afterwards. (Except for the real nasties,

The point is - what would you do with that time? Most people would likely replace it with some inane, passive activity, like watching movies, or gaming on their phones. Active use of our brains will become less and less a thing. And, like with anything else - use it, or lose it.

Nope - there’s an unfair power imbalance (an even larger one than there is anyway between employer and employee). Some people cannot just ‘turn down jobs’, and a society should not accept that these people can be subjected to unfair and unethical conditions. I thought the US always pride themselves of ‘freedom’ and