
While we are revisiting the movie with a critical eye, one thing I haven’t seen much writing on and that struck me when rewatching the Burton Batman films a couple years ago is how bad the writing for female characters was in it. Not in any agressively mysoginistic way, but more in a “wow, this is cringe and dated”

But I would argue Dick Tracy, The Shadow, The Phantom, Darkman, were all Batman 89 ripoff. They all kind of try to do what Batman 89 did visually and structurally. They weren’t advertised as comic-book film, but they were advertised as Batman-like films. Because in many ways, Batman is basically the last surviving

So I’ll push back on the criticism of Nicholson a bit. I do thinks he makes a good Joker, but he does overfocus on one part of the Joker - the artistic/performer side.

I feel like so much of Batman 89's success is owed to its marketing. The movie was not a surprise hit. It was a blockbuster by design. That summer every consumer item had a bat symbol on it. [...] This is common practice today, but nobody was doing that in 1989.”

Burton is one of those directors who never really seems to care if the script is good or not as long as he can get some cool images or setpieces out of them, and Batman is definitely one of those Burton movies where the sets or costumes make up for the pacing or writing.

There’s also a whole thing where, for the first third, Knox is essentially the main character so everything with Batman can be a mystery, and then the movie forgets about him once we shift focus to Bruce/Batman. And, yes, Jack Nicholson doesn’t so much do a good Joker as a character as just do the usual Jack Nicholson

I feel like so much of Batman 89's success is owed to its marketing. The movie was not a surprise hit. It was a blockbuster by design. That summer every consumer item had a bat symbol on it. There was Batman breakfast cereal, Batman eau de toilette, Batman Taco Bell cups, Batman house slippers, Batman Underoos, and

Sure is a Fantasy and also a comedy movie.

We’re only a few years away from gems like this.

I was thinking the  other day that I swear some of my friends have been replaced by Pod People.

Now playing

One of my favourite starring Donald Sutherland is a cheesy creature feature named Virus:

Did they say that was their intention? Because if not, I don’t know if I’d buy that. People knew the Adam West Batman show was silly when it was on. I would say the costumes should reflect the character personalities and backstories.

And don’t remember much about it, but I remember loving Steelyard Blues when I saw it on TV as a kid.

Also great in M*A*S*H.

An overlooked favorite of mine.

Stop hitting me with those negative waves. True loss, awesome individual. Staved off a deadly batch of pneumonia to bring us Oddball in Kelly’s heroes, somehow made a remake of Invasion of the Bodysnatchers amazing, Legendary as Hawkeye in the MASH movie, and his dialogue in JFK at the Lincoln memorial shows how he

They caught on that they were the butt of the joke this year.

This show killed off one of their headline characters, the wookie Jedi, after 2 episodes of hype, everything is off the table.

Cheap is to be expected from Zaslav and company.