
Remember: it’s only Marvel’s in house VFX studio that’s allowed to unionize. Those freelancers? Can’t unionize because it’s literally illegal for freelancers to unionize. (Writers, thankfully, were grandfathered in with unions.)

One of my favorite things about the prequels is how it portrays how flawed and hidebound the institution of the Jedi is, and having Ahsoka leave the Order as she grows and recognizes those flaws in the spin-off show was an inspired decision.

Zathras really screwed up again. Why can’t he be more like Zathras!?

More B-5

The issue isn’t whether pre-existing knowledge is required in order to enjoy the show, but how the show places itself inside continuity to intentionally become part of the events of the world of the previous shows. Like I said, the Kelvinverse intentionally separated itself from continuity to give itself more freedom

Thanks for the picture too :)

From what I understand, Lester got the job because he had directed the very successful Three Musketeers movies for the Salkinds, which were also filmed back-to-back.

The headline is clickbait. The actual content is “Longtime editor Tom Brevoort is moving from the Avengers to the X-Men.” That’s it.

The late ‘80s was an interesting ... because many of the “psychotic superhero” stories were written by British creators, who believed American comics’ dependency on costumed characters was a sign that the USA was absolutely barmy, a banana republic if the bananas were dipped in brown acid. This was definitely Moore’s

Thank you! Unfortunately, nobody proofreads these articles, let alone the titles. At least we know it wasn’t written by a bot!

At some point someone should really review Starfleet/The Federation’s policy about letting scientists have entire planets to themselves unsupervised with no peer review of any sort.

True, but it’s hard for me to reconcile Jess Bush’s tough as nails, no bullshit Chapel with the wet blanket version played by Barrett on TOS.

There have always been continuity inconsistencies in Trek. Its still the same continuity, no matter how much some fans balk at the notion.

When you realize the tracks are the story you can begin to put a plot together.

You can’t keep a good scot (via Vancouver) down!

This assumes that SNW is set in the same timeline as TOS and not some variant with similar characteristics.

And yet TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT all began their runs with entirely new casts (with the exception of O’Brien) that had almost no direct ties to their predecessors.

Are there any fan theories that aren’t bullshit?

On the other hand, the Peacemaker/The Suicide Squad characters seem to still be around (and Davis’ Waller is a holdover from the first, Gunnless Suicide Squad).

I think that the idea that there’s an audience for these shows that isn’t versed in Trek history is well-taken, but I also think that the shows can’t have it both ways. The Abrams/Kelvinverse movies made the specific decision to set their stories in a separate timeline, which gave them the freedom to tell stories