
I think part of this episode is setting up the Gorn’s future - they mention the coronal mass ejection and how the light involved may have triggered some violent, monstrous instinct among them. It’s possible that they’ll figure out some special Gorn sunblock or whatever and after that they all start to act more like

I suspected Batel would be a goner the moment she mentioned a priority one mission interrupting her vacation plans with Pike. It had a very, “After 20 years on the force, I’m retiring on Friday! Gonna fire up the boat and go down to Mexico to enjoy some quality time with my wife!” feel to it. 

Much as I loved season 2, I’m more excited for season 3, since it should be more Pratchetty. Neil has said that Season 2 was mostly his own stuff and the bridge that basically gets us to the sequel novel that he and Terry had originally outlined. Which sort of makes sense, if you’re familiar with Pratchett, since his

I tried going back through twitter to find where I saw it, but someone broke down the actual cost of the WGA demands per each studios respective most recent profits...and the HIGHEST was 0.1%, most were well under that.

Stunning isn’t even apt, the level of disgusting, blatantly offensive greed here is truly astounding.

Well, he did just have the VFX artists from his company’s most profitable franchise vote to unionize.  Might it be he’s beginning to realize that he’s on the wrong side of history, and which side of the bread he needs to be buttering right now?

Excuse me, but it’s the job of a CEO to say, “Yes, let’s make this” or “No, let’s not make this,” and that’s truly the most creative part of the industry and could NEVER be replaced with... let’s say... a spreadsheet combining a series of multi-quadrant elements like a schematic for a team of accountants to scan

FWIW, There isn’t a single major studio head that makes less than 200x the average of their respective employees. And, as CEOs, they need to realize that their job is actually the easiest to replace with AI.

There was a Guardian article that tallied up all the wage increases being requested, and it came up to like $500 million. Compared to over $200 billion in profit across the industry, that equates to half a percent. That’s all the hit in profits they’d need to take in order to end the strikes.

I’m pretty sure the only people who talked about this book in 2006 were the ones going “Hurhur, semen” (Wizard Magazine was your dedicated source of all things Spider-semen back then).

99% of the audience of the Spider-Man movies has no clue about, or any interest in whatever is happening in the Spider-Man comic books.

As far as I know, Tesla is still the only car company founded in the past 60+ years that is actually profitable”

That’s arguably the Watchmen effect. Moore based the Comedian on Peacemaker, and I imagine the show is Gunn’s way of redeeming the character, making him so ludicrous that he doesn’t seem like a psychotic.

Since we’re talking books, I wonder if somebody will set up an anthology of Crowley/Aziraphale bits -- just the two of them bopping around history. You could do a G-rated version and then an R-rated book for the (ahem) mature shippers. 

One of my favorite comments about Season 2 was that it kind of felt like fanfic. Not so much because it was definitely fan service, not so much because it was clearly an author doing what he wanted just for fun, but also because Neil was on Tumblr trolling other fans with it...

Neil Gaiman is one of those authors who

Well, that’s disappointing.

This seems like kind of a bad idea (Fiege not using writers who are familiar with/fans of Marvel comics). I get it that you want someone with an outsider’s perspective, because that means they’d be more likely to make a movie that would appeal to a wider audience. But someone like Gunn made the GotG trilogy, which is

Scrolling down to this still, I thought this was a reboot of The Fly.

Maybe it’s because it’s the only family movie suitable for little kids that in theatres? This seems like the kind of movie that you take kids to do they can be quiet for a couple of hours. There’s probably a good few parents napping during this 

Is it just me, or is there more Greek Mythology on this list than actual SF?