This retaliatory travel ban by the Cubans is much more entertaining I think.
This retaliatory travel ban by the Cubans is much more entertaining I think.
Lebron is really the MVP every year.
This is true, it’s weird how everyone forgets that time Sam Hinkie put together a championship team.
Serious question: Do home runs count if you hit them off the Mets?
That would be awesome if his dad could throw to him in the HR derby. It would remind us of our dads throwing us BP, getting progressively more frustrated as he can’t get one over the plate, getting pissed at us because we didn’t groove the one fucking strike he threw to us, then throwing a a brush-back pitch possibly…
but did he make a baseball move? that’s the real question.
I don’t live in San Francisco and have never been on the system described in the article above, my comment is only directed at the smartasses who keep lecturing the rest of us about how great they *imagine* public bus transit is, while never setting foot on it themselves.
Took a Lyft Shuttle this morning (SF.) It was $o.25 more expensive than the bus, required 0.4 miles less of a walk, and I rode in a Prius and not on a plastic seat next to someone who may or may not be actively exorcising their own demons. I’d say it’s a win.
Unfortunately we apparently live in a country of suckers because if this shit didn’t pay dividends they wouldn’t be doing it in the first place.
and then I recycle the flyer.
The Warriors Are Math
Great, just what this country needs. More division.
That’s exactly what I thought happened.
I so wanted this to be them fighting eachother
I’m going to guess that Dressed Up For No Reason was a douchey fan for most of the game, standing up at the wrong times, telling people to not yell so loud while he’s on the phone, etc., and Guy Who Sells Bootleg Hats On The BART Bridge had finally fucking had enough. I don’t know what the involvement of Massive Beard…
Sooooo... if they sweep, do we just cancel next year’s season? Because as far as I can tell, the stacking of teams has finally reached the point where the entire season, regular season through the finals, has been rendered moot.
Your dirty pirate mouth - close it about Ichiro.
He got some of you....haven't seen this since high school chemistry.