
Tortoise Media, which as I write this is the only source for this story, is a far right podcast strongly tied to Boris Johnson, and best known for screaming about trans people. Neil Gaiman has been hugely critical of Johnson ever since he came onto the public scene, and is currently doing multiple projects with strong

Plenty of people in open relationships don’t commit sexual assault.  Not saying Gaiman is innocent but it’s this sorta attitude that gets innocent peoples railroaded as “sexual deviants”. 

Daniel getting back at Armand was the most satisfying part of a thoroughly satisfying episode of TV. I fell out cackling.

I could be wrong, but I disagree. I don’t think him entering that brothel is as big a coincidence as you’re making it seem. Remember that according to Aemond it was Aegon who first took him there so he could lose his virginity. I doubt he had any idea his brother was having therapy sessions with the woman who took his

want her to secrete herself away somewhere

He was drunk, but that scene very much came across to me as Aegon trying to humiliate his brother and send a message: “I know where you’re spending your time and hiding your whore, and that she’s important to you”. He didn’t just drunkenly stumble into that particular brothel with his entourage.

Also, wood is famously flammable, so why in seven hells didn’t Baela just blast some dragon fire after them?”

Eh, it’s not a rule that’s been established on the TV side of things, as far as I recall. Though it does come up later in the story, it doesn’t have to. there are other ways to handle that uh.... event I won’t get into cause it’s a huge spoiler.

It was definitely Armand. He didn’t “harm” Daniel, but rather “burdened” him, as Louis says.

Decades of mature television (including HBO) have managed to find ways to depict fellatio without actually showing it. This week, we got literal pornographic imagery. We’ve come along way... 

This is the man who gave us Grover, Elmo, Oscar, and Kermit Tully. 

I’m most excited to see if the show is going to stick to the book’s conceit that all the Tullys of this era have the names of Muppets. Lord Grover’s been mentioned several times, but his grandson Elmo and great-grandsons Kermit and Oscar may be pushing things on a TV show in a way that the book could just barely get

I think he’s trying to drive a wedge between Aegon and Alicent. It wasn’t about the actual result of it - it was about making Aegon think that Aemond and Alicent wanted him out of the way, which I read as the reason for Aegon’s later humiliation of Aemond.

I think he just made up that rumor to get himself a job on the council / make himself seem useful to the king.

the Brackens and Blackfoots were so easily goaded into annihilating one another, weren’t they?

I’ll never forget seeing this in the theater. Right before the previews, two young (probably 10 or under) kids came in escorted by an older woman. All I can think is that they did something like “Please grandma, can you take us to see that new cartoon movie?” My friend and I gave each other a WTF look and kept an eye

you know its kind of unclear. like i think at the time there were tie in comics that explained that Sabertooth was like both of them, but then after the stuff that happened in Origins he went feral. or im getting it mixed up with something that happened in the mainline comics

He sure did. I guess he went all Hollywood and got veneers.

The seal needs to be the new de-facto laughing meme.

I think Eggers is pulling from both Murnau’s and Herzog’s versions. The 1922 movie changed all the names and about half of the plot, but did keep most of the characters from Dracula, except for van Helsing and Lucy. Herzog added van Helsing back in— but Herzog used all the original Dracula character names, so when