
I don't think I've ever laughed harder during this show when I saw that image of Phil's half shaven face.

I can't believe SNL didn't know their history. Henry VIII did have one son, but he only ruled for 6 years.

I'm just wondering if Bob's dad from Bob's Burgers finally gave up on the show yet?

If only Disney XD did realize the huge mistake they made in cancelling Wander and that give the show another chance.

At least Wander is smarter with the way it does by actually building on the joke. It's a lot better than lazy fart jokes on Family Guy.

I don't really consider the Hey Arnold Jungle movie a reboot. More like it's the long awaited series finale with the potential for a reboot.

Well the Negan actor did die in the Season 2 Grey's finale. I was happy he died since Izzy did all of these unethical things to get him a heart transplant and then he died so I could laugh in my sister's face. I was kind of sadistic back then.

I'm hoping that Rudy and Louise end up together. I'm still reeling from the fact Dipcifica didn't become canon at the end of Gravity Falls after the teases in NWMM, the game, and Alex's tweets. Also I'm worried about Amourshipping in Pokemon since the new games were announced meaning there's a good chance Serena will

I didn't get any real laughs tonight except for the ending where Moe ended up hanged like Harmonica in Once Upon a Time in the West.

Personally, I'm tired of Leslie Jones' doing that one note angry black lady shtick. Can't she do something else?

I thought the bleeding like a Russian princess was a reference to the assassination of Tsar Nicolas II and his family?

The animation can stay and isn't that much of problem. The writing process however, takes much longer than it should since Hammer and Publick take turns writing an episode which takes around a month for each one. A few more writers can help speed it up while also bouncing around ideas to make sure the jokes don't fall

Hammer and Publick really should consider hiring a few writers to help lower the production time at this point. Waiting another year for a special and then another year at least for a season that might not have a good finale is starting to get frustrating.

I have a very bad feeling most if not all of the burning questions won't get answered next season. Also, who killed Reyes along with shooting at Karen and what was the point of that?

I still can't believe the waitress gave Frank decaf when he wanted his coffee black.

I never thought being a grammar Nazi would pay off for once.

You misspelled throne as thrown.

Don't we all?

This is the only show I can think of that brings up these VERY little known facts such as two guys dying from getting a high score in an 80's video game.

Part of me wishes that they'd compromise a little and hire more writers to help write the scripts instead of just the two of them so that the episodes can be made faster.