
I still remember plots from the old show that seem so stupid now like one of the boy's Michelle's age doesn't want the other kid to play with Michelle or else he'd be a "girl lover". That kid has no idea how stupid that would sound in Middle School and High School.

Korra came off as really self absorbed and unlikable in the first half.

Seriously, who would pass up a chance to climb the Aggro Crag?

I can't believe it only got a B. There were many great moments like SANDRA!!!, "If you don't sue than shame on you", and everybody going crazy over the fact there isn't a burger of the day.

Grenda and Marius kissed on Marius's yacht during the end credits.

There was a llama painting in her mansion during NWMM.

Well we got Grenda and Marius, but that kind of makes Hirsch a hypocrite since he said 12 year olds shouldn't be focusing on relationships.

So after re-watching it again, I still think that it's not perfect and stand by my earlier criticisms of Pacifica. But I'm less intense on it this time since she did show caring for her parents. However, it still felt like a huge loss that we haven't seen her character grow more after Northwest Mansion Mystery and see

Making something that was foreshadowed turn into a red herring at the last minute doesn't really make it clever. It feels like a middle finger to everybody who theorized about its significance for years after being hinted at for so long. Also if it really was meant to make fun of the chosen one trope, that should have

Holy crap!! Hirsch confirmed the bus driver was Kyle MacLaclan from Twin Peaks!

Part of me still wants to believe, but this being the finale really ruins my hopes. Even though Hirsch said he'd be willing to revisit the show, that's not a guarantee he'll come back and we have no idea how long it'll take if he does.

I think Disney is mostly worried about countries that air Gravity Falls that still aren't as accepting of homosexuality as here. They could just dub over them when they said they loved each other, but might have to do some editing if they kissed.

For me the biggest laugh was Soos trying to explain Anime to McGucket.

I knew Blubs and Durland were gay, but I never thought they'd ever get to admit it. Slightly pissed they had time for that but not one Dipcifica moment. The hints in the Gnome Gemulets game really got my hopes up.

I feel pretty much the same. Even though Alex wanted to end the show after 2 season, it still felt like it wasn't enough time to flesh out all of the characters and that they missed so many opportunities.

Neither can I, but Season 2 Pacifica showed a lot of improvement in helping others, overcoming her parents control over her, and being friends with Dipper and Mabel. A lot of that was thrown out the window and her proving herself to not be another link in the world's worst chain now ring hollow outside of Northwest

I'm fine with a few mysteries being unanswered. What I can't stand is forgetting about character development and treating past episodes like they never happened as they did with Pacifica.

I'd give it an A-. The fact that they ruined Pacifica's character development in NWMM and made her out to be even more of a spoiled brat than before really rubs me the wrong way. She was willing to disobey her parents and let in the townsfolk, yet she won't lift a finger to help build the robot and acted so distraught

Whenever the first name theory comes up, people tend to think about Alex and Ariel and that it must be similar to those two. I just took a different approach and thought of what could be similar to Mabel and the whole tree theme of her name popped into my head. I looked at Pine trees in California and Monterrey stood

It was said in the Bill Cipher Reddit AMA.