
Larry Wilmore just isn't doing a good enough job on the Nightly show. The jokes just aren't that funny and the Keeping it 100 thing he does every night feels like a waste of time. The round table doesn't work in a half hour timeslot since it shortens the amount of time used for good jokes. Also I got really put off

For the first series of Doug on Nickelodeon. The 2nd series had the principal at the new school be Former Mayor White.

Is the principal of Wagstaff going to be a faceless character we never see from now on?

Of course Alphonse can be the grandson of the strobe light inventor. The grandson of President Tyler is still alive after all.

"Quick, make a jean jacket appear on me".

Gideon is coming back next episode trying to break out of prison.

This episode just answered so many questions, even questions nobody really cared about like why are the kids floating in the title sequence?

"Wait, I'm alone. I can swear for real!. SON OF A…." I love this show.

So I just watched the episode again and looked at the bottom painting in the Northwest room of shame and it looks like the Northwest on the bottom right was a Nazi.

For anybody who wants to support the show online, the episodes are available to purchase on Amazon video.

You'd think that Disney would be enthusiastic about putting more things on DVD/BR since they were the company that went overboard with direct to video movies.

Let's not forget that cartoons can have floating timelines. Also they could do the story route between Korra Book 2 and 3 where after a huge battle to determine the fate of the world, they make the focus smaller yet more personal.

It's only been one episode, but I am so on board with a Dipper/Pacifica shipping. It's so out of left field, yet so obvious that it makes sense. The moment I saw her tie Dipper's bowtie, I knew there were going to be shipping hints throughout the episode.

I heard about the weirdest comparison yet and I have to ask somebody else's opinion. Does Adam Scott look like Mewtwo?

I guess I missed that one since I was laughing so hard at #4.

I DVR'd this episode and paused it right at the beginning where it showed Tina's math test. I laughed so hard at question 4 since the question was X-6=0 and she thought X equaled 8.

I honestly don't get what got everybody so furious at Archer at the end? What did he do with the elevator's emergency phone?

It's starting to get really annoying that the only time we've seen Martin is when he left the Citadel. It's time we actually got to see him again and not just keep speculating based on his only appearance.

How can Louise be the show's only plausible villain? What about Jimmy Pesto?

I know this is supposed to be for Adventure Time, but I can't get over the ending of Regular Show where Mordecai ended up kissing Margaret by accident with CJ watching and bringing Margaret back into the show to create a love triangle. Everything was going so smoothly with CJ and they had to bring Margaret back into