
they’ve been pushing the LBGT agenda for a long time now. It’s a form of population control.

Remember, it’s important to accept everyone. Unless they disagree with you. Then try to shame them until they are your duplicate.

Yup, the super rich are all awful and should be jailed for crimes against humanity. Everyone agrees. 

It’s ok buddy, some memes are hard to understand.

It almost sounds like Hillary was a critically flawed candidate who deserved to lose. I guess she’ll just have to live off the billion dollars the Clinton Foundation steals from the people.

You can’t argue with democrats, they’ll call you a racist if you don’t like brown rice.

C’ya. Take Lena Dunham with you please.

lol, right, a bunch of people in Hollywood know about this tape but it never saw the light of day during the election cycle? I thought liberals were against fake news.

Isn’t it strange how Tim Cook accepts money from countries that throw gay people off buildings? A man of great integrity...

We did it! We official avoided the fascist Clinton regime! This is what the world needed.

people built cars before expressways.

People need to stop listing to moron Neil deGrasse.

Bill Clinton flies on a pedophiles airplane and he still walks free. Bill Clinton is the Bill Cosby of politics.

It’s almost as though people are concerned about their own well beings? Crazy world.

Tell him he’ll be ok, everyone makes bad decisions from time to time.

When I think of how close we came to electing the fascist Clinton regime, it’s scary. Thank God we elected a human being instead of a spread sheet. 

This is a brilliant metaphor for Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid.

Yes! This is what we want and need!

too impractical to be anything more than a novelty

hilary and bill have done much worse things than the russians.