Light Emitting Diode

good. shows arent meant to go on forever. 5 seasons is good run to tell a story

The Boys, based on the Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson comics, debuted in 2019.”

At this point, if Musk said the sky was blue, I’d look out a window before I’d believe him. So when he says he’ll “prioritize longtime shareholders,” you can safely assume he’ll squander it all on Twitter, the platform I refuse to refer to as ‘X’. 

pretty sure the pricing isn’t the problem at this point in time.

My hesitancy around buying a Tesla isn’t the retail price - it’s the complete lack of faith in the company that insists they be responsible for 100% of the maintenance and support, and their demonstrated inability to, you know, do that.

then price those fuckers to move.  seriously.  sell them a price people are actually willing to pay

Not cool because it will encourage teens to have sex. Same reason they are uncool with the HPV vaccine. Because that’s how teens work, right? They get an opportunity to have sex and first stop to think “wait, I could get HPV which might give me cancer in several decades.

But there is no strong evidence for this claim

Pre-emptive “eat shit MAGA trolls” for this comments section. That includes you, universalamander.

Pretty sure he’ll get house arrest. No way they’ll punish some poor secret service agent by making him spend months in a jail cell guarding Trump.

Look, Mike... can I call you Mike?

Yes, this. Especially, uh... what was that thing he said was also working on? Oh, right. The Dark Tower.

For anyone wondering why they would make another Exorcist movie after the dumpster fire that was Believer, three years ago Universal and Blumhouse shelled-out $400 million for the production rights of a new Exorcist trilogy.

It’s been shown that people will drive the speed that they feel is “safe”, no matter what the limit may or may not be.

The US has completely turned into a reverse robinhood state.  We just tax the working and middle class to pay for subsidies to the rich, who pay little to no taxes, so they can feed us worse food and work us to death.  And then 45% of the electorate will vote for this shit no matter what, because they watch fox news.

Just stop using this crap. Seriously. Use Bluesky or anything else, if you have to.

I hope that Depp never plays a pirate again, Robbie’s movie gets made, and Amber Heard has a cameo as a captain of her own ship.

Whenever POCCU isn’t on screen the audience should be asking “Where’s POCCU?”

I am all for Margot. She was so good at physical comedy in Barbie, she could play a pirate.

I’d much rather see her do something new than try to air out something with Depp’s stink all over it.