Light Emitting Diode

The timing is just...chef’s kiss.

Some clown was whining earlier this week about it and posted a list of like 20 “criticisms” he had with the show and most if not all could have been said about the first season.

I think it would be a fun exercise, if it were possible, to have the people making over-the-top criticisms of this season re-watch season 1 from the same lens. It feels to me that a lot of the critiques of S4 would apply to S1, but they were viewed from a different POV.

I feel like this was just recently announced to spite Pizzolatto, which, good.

Nic needs to take a good honest look at his True Detective output and STFU. He got lucky for season 1, faceplanted in his sophomore effort, and then cribbed his notes from season 1 for season 3. I certainly won’t be going out of my way to catch any of his future work.

Man you just don’t get it: Say I think something should happen. That something won’t have any bearing on my life at all, but I think it should happen. Then it doesn’t happen. Do you know how outrageous and absolutely wrong that would be? If I think a thing should happen IT DAMNWELL SHOULD HAPPEN, HOLY SHIT I’M SO

Well if she refuses to be offended about being snubbed harder than a snubber snubbing overtime in the snub factory, I’ll be offended for her!

No idea if he can win it, but he can probably fundraise for it like crazy. 

Does this guy’s “classic dialogue” include the lines he ripped off from Alan Moore? (Specifically his brilliant Top Ten comic).

Lil’ Timmy is really committed to the “be a raging dickhead on kinja” bit, for whatever stupid/pathetic reason kinja trolls do kinja troll shit.

No I wouldn’t say that, I may be pretty smart but I definitely wouldn’t call everyone a ‘moron’. Why would you say something like that?  It’s extremely rude and uncalled for. 

Yeah, the main reason I’m skeptical is because we haven’t even come close to maxing out the current hardware on the Series X and PS5. If anything the Series S will likely be phased out.

Love that you started this conversation. Part of the appeal for me of Season 1 was that the *detective* story itself was kinda weak; the bigger message was a meta-commentary on detective stories (and so much else). Hell, even the title was part of that meta-commentary. Looking back on it, with NP’s reactions here,

I mean, what more could they add to a Pro? RDNA 3? Zen 3? 2TB SSD? GDDR6 24GB? Somehow even faster load times (6GB/s + Read bandwidth?)

Makes sense considering I just bought a PS5 not too long ago. You’re welcome everyone else.

It was better for the industry when they tried to maintain some mystique and keep some things behind the curtain. Being this petulant - esp when you’re making money off it anyway - just looks immature.

This man is celebrated for 1 season of television; he wasn’t a better writer in season 1 than he was for seasons 2 or 3. The difference was 1) 2 strong performers who really gelled with the material and each other and 2) a fantastic blend of direction, cinematography and production design that was not repeated in

Seeing how many creators of smash/cult hits then crash and burn without doing anything of note afterward (Nic Pizzolatto! Marc Cherry! Mitch Hurwitz! Come on down!) begrudgingly makes me appreciate Chuck Lorre.

The people I know who are watching S4 don’t even know the creative team changed, they just know it got good again after 2 seasons they didn’t like. I tell them it’s a new creative team and they’re super surprised.