Light Emitting Diode

I don’t even think quietly, they announced it nearly 5 years ago. They’re on their second director and 3rd writer, they’ve been working on it for a long time, and I’d wager that most of the pre-vis and CGI work has been done for aa while. It was just a matter of finding the cast and shooting the thing.

A 3/4 months to film the actors and a year for vfx and editing seems about right.

Oh Sure, like Ben Grimm knows anything about the Fantastic Four.

I suspect it’s been quietly in production for a while now.

I thought that was a terrible idea until I thought about it and now I love it. I’m in.

The only way to do a Fantastic Four movie is making it a period movie set in 1961 that completely ignores the rest of the MCU

To be fair, US Ghosts is better than UK Ghosts.

I’ve watched both and the American version is waaaaaaayyyy funnier. 

I love Abbott Elementary, but I think Ghosts is way funnier and the ensemble is a lot stronger; but because Abbott deals with Big Issues, the Academy likes it better, I guess.

amounts to a bunch of mediocre-to-unwatchable televisual bilge

$5 million? Oh good, every prime subscriber can receive 5 hundredths of a penny once the payout rolls in. Wait, forgot lawyer’s fees. I’ll owe $0.30.

Multiple people got hurt, didn’t you read the article?

True. Self driving vehicles are very dangerous.

Any wealthy person can charter flights too. At some point, she and/or her crew decided it would be more (cost) effective to simply buy and operate a private jet and one of the tradeoffs is (FAA) privacy. Owning a private jet doesn’t mean you are the only one allowed to fly in it - heck, I’m pretty sure last year there

You don’t get a free pass because she’s famous to give out her location 24/7

Elon really really wanted to sue the bejeezus out of that kid too, but he quickly found out from his massive stable of lawyers that it would be immediately thrown out, because as the article states, he’s only posting information that is already publicly available. He is literally doing nothing wrong. Now if you want

Swift’s legal team sent Sweeney a cease-and-desist letter, warning that the singer will “have no choice but to pursue any and all legal remedies” if he doesn’t quit his “stalking and harassing behavior,”

Gonna play some Chicks tracks and a few Kris Kristofferson tunes today. 

Trump causes cancer.