Light Emitting Diode

I’d like to hear from her Megynecologist.

I know it is tempting to accuse Megyn Kelly (that’s “Megyn” spelled with a “y” because of course it is) of having surgeries that alter her natural appearance. I would like to point out, however, that nothing was ever natural about Megyn-with-a-“y” as she emerged fully formed from a vat labeled “conservative blonde

Her face is both stupid and annoying looking. – Darlene Vegan, California, United States, May 2016

Meghan Kelly has no room to talk about getting work done.

Note the guilty parties are all social media sites of some kind.  Doing what they do best, data mining. 

The easiest way for them not to track you through notifications is to disable notifications. I only have notifications for a few essential apps. I found that if you give permission to allow notifications on too many apps, your phone just buzzes non-stop with useless notifications. 

They never had any kind of plastic in the bread dough. That was a very creative interpretation of a dough conditioner used in the bread to enhance the leavening process, because the same chemical also gets used to create non-edible foams like yoga mats — if you get it hot, it decomposes into gasses, making nice little

None of the deli cold cuts looked like the were sliced in house at my local subway. The deli slicer always looks to be in immaculately condition, as if it’s never been used by the high school kids manning the shop... 

I demand fresh fingernail from the Subway employee I’m looking at! Not some pre-sliced fingernail from a stranger in a factory miles away.

I was always pretty skeptical of the benefits of this and always maintained they just did it for show and because Jersey Mike’s does it. Presliced lunch meat is fine, especially for a place like Subway that is constantly replacing it one or two times a week.

I imagine if one is going to go with that logic, I don’t think it helps when you call your attackers “nazis” in an attempt to curry less condemnation for one’s actions. What people are referring to when this is discussed is concerning the population that didn’t commit the terrorist attacks but is suffering for them

Gaza is a textbook example of a pre-ww2 style ghetto which is now being leveraged into full scale ethnic cleansing. What else do you call over 8k dead children killed by indescriminate bombings in less than three months, those who remain being starved to death, with absolutely no way of escaping the area? Ppl seem to

FFS, you call the poster out for a fake tough guy and launch into a stupid tirade. So brave, anonymous hero.

Do you realize you’re declaring yourself a sociopath?

You... wouldn’t be bothered by seeing children being sexually assaulted and tortured? And you’re proud of that and bragging about it? And, again, you somehow don’t realize just how fucking stupid and terrible that makes you sound?

Are you actively trying to sound as amazingly fucking stupid as possible? Because if so, congrats; you’re doing a great job so far.

So, Big Internet Tough Guy, I’m sure you’re volunteering to get hooked up and see these images, Clockwork Orange-style, to prove it, right?

So, the people making the movie didn’t understand the point of the game at all.

isn’t that basically Scream 3 lol 

the New Nightmare route sounds a lot like the Scream 3 route