Light Emitting Diode

Jesus, this sounds like those sovereign citizen kooks. “That flag has gold fringe on it, which designates this as an admiralty court and so it has no jurisdiction.”

I love that the answer is never ‘That’s false, we didn’t do those things!’ and is always ‘So what if we did? You have no jurisdiction!’ 

I mean, billionaires and their sycophants have been trying to kill the NLRB every year since it was created...

It’s wild to see how much this is threatening the weightloss industry and their grift, to the point that they’re actively campaigning against it... I’ve been seeing all sorts of promoted posts from weight watchers about “ozempic face” (whatever that’s supposed to be) and trying to play up the side effects (despite

Insurance companies routinely don’t cover preventative stuff (unless forced to) because while paying now would be wiser in preventing greater costs in the future, they’re gambling that by the time the person’s condition becomes the expensive problem that they’ll be somebody else’s responsibility to pay for (e.g.

I think that’s the drivel part that the OP is referring to.

I took Wegovy, and I can attest to its effectiveness. I lost 40% of my body weight, or 129 lbs. It happened at an astonishing, and potentially unhealthy rate (8 months). That’s about 16lbs a month, or about twice the max normal rate. The only activity I did was swimming, which definitely helped.

FWIW, my bipolar friend gained 30 lbs due to his antipsychotic drugs so the doctor put him on Wegovy. He lost 30 lbs after a few months of treatment and he was able to wean himself off of the medication through diet and exercise. So far, so good.

Yeah, Wet Thor pretty much.

people looking for an actual Twitter replacement are still looking.

“Underwater Thor” lol

I have friends who are very liberal and refuse to leave Twitter because of the number of followers they have. They do not like when I point this out to them. 

Better idea:


TJ Miller comes to mind. In the mid-2010s, he was a regular cast member on a very successful HBO show (Silicon Valley), was regularly in a handful of movies every year including some big franchises, and regularly toured his stand-up with a couple of specials produced. Plus he did voices on commercials too. It’s not

But he was already a massive shithead. 

The multiverse saga was always, always too close after the Infinite War saga. They needed a much more extended period of building up to it, and not do victory laps as much (Nowhere Home, Multiverse of Madness, a few others with lots of winks).

They’re kind of stuck now but I wouldn’t hate them elongating stuff and

I even think AI could be used to create a lot of assets in games- like, to generate hundreds or thousands of in-world advertisements in a big city setting like Night City or something. But I think that the work the AIs are trained on should come from artists who are employed by the studio or on work that has been

Man, I’m not sure if I can recall someone who fell so hard right when their star was really rising in recent memory. To think, all he had to do was not be a massive shithead. 

I agree with the video game pricing. $60 has been the longest a new AAA title has ever been and I’m surprised it lasted as long as it did. And we expect developers to remain on the cutting edge of technology and culture but only give them $60 per game or less (and yes I understand that everyone gets their cut and

I agree with most of this list, with two exceptions.