Light Emitting Diode

To add to this:

“So now I, as a mom, get to deal with telling my toddlers we can’t watch Disney+ while in our Tesla and deal with their upset feelings because 2 grown men can’t have a civil discussion and move on.”

what the hell is going on with this mans facial hair?

A few years ago I was at a bar with a friend that was having his house painted and mentioned how much it cost and I joked “Geeze, maybe I should become a house painter!”

I definitely notice ads for things pop up on Insta, etc for things that my wife and I just talked about. Not searched/liked/whatever... literally random things that we just have a conversation about and then can literally appear in ads sometimes just minutes later.

I mean, I know why and it’s beer.

those single wipe ones always feel a little like your body is tricking you. ‘why can’t you do this every time?’

I too am a great man. Just this morning, I remembered to feed the dog, start the coffee machine for my wife before going to work and took a massive dump that required only a single wipe.


That’s archaic thinking. There is a whole segment of the population that has been brainwashed into believing that nothing is a lie if you just believe hard enough. They’ll now tell you with a straight face that 2+2=5 as long as enough people agree with them.

It totally is a tough sell and an immensely stupid idea, but it scares the hell out of me that the current Supreme Court could buy it.

If free speech protects false advertising then why do we even have laws against false advertising?

I don’t even necessarily mind recycling Palpatine, but at least give the guy a damn purpose to be there in the first place.

Also, just make him a Force ghost.

Yeah it basically ruined the original trilogy story, and is best thought of as being non-canon and just some fanfic by some well-funded directors. 

Just remember: they keep insisting they had an overall plan when it is clearer now that it was then—-and it was pretty damn clear then——they never had a plan. Just release dates to make.

Made zero sense that petulant man-baby with reverse-moral compass suddenly became white hat.  Of course so much triangulation was done during 7-9 and little made sense in each film, in the trilogy, or as part of the greater whole.  Hot mess.

sigh wish they just had Rian Johnson write and direct all 3 films. Jar Jar Abrams is not good at planning out complete stories and the studio/Lucasfilm story group should have reigned him in. Remember the, confirmed, original plot points where Anakin’s lightsaber was going to be a key? JJ has always been  a hack. 

I don’t have a problem with redeeming the son of Han and Leia. I don't have a problem with killing off Snoke in the second movie. I do have a problem with lazily recycling Palpatine. Some overarching vision from the start would have been good.

Actually, I take that last part back—the initial thoughts for Kylo’s arc may well have come from Lawrence Kasdan. He had the idea to make the villain Han & Leia’s son, and he was never too keen on George Lucas’ “happily ever after” ending for Return of the Jedi.

If Kylo Ren is never redeemed and dies a bad guy it makes the entire point of Star Wars, well, pointless. It would mean everyone would have been off if Han just stayed frozen.