Light Emitting Diode


Not sure why it would be ‘prickly’, most sane people felt sorry him after what happened. Not on the scale of Hutchins and her family, but still. The litigious persecution, and the prospect that they might try and nail him *again* just made everyone feel more sorry for the guy.

Well, it was nice of them to give him another shot.

I seem to recall him talking to a gaggle of reporters shortly after the shooting. I remember thinking his lawyer probably would be mad at him.

There is only one, obvious answer: Kathy Bates.

I call journalistic incompetence here. There’s not even a mention to the effect of “the Acme Corporation was contacted for a statement, but gave no comment/did not respond before publication time”.  Shelving this movie has their fingerprints all over it, so as not to shed any possible negative light on their fine

100% about the tax break. The theatrical or nothing has nothing to do with it, outside of the fact that this film clearly isn’t quality enough to cary a theatrical run. If it was the ZAS would have sent it out there. It would have at least netted him one more release party to throw for his Hollywood bros.

They really need to adjust the tax code so that in order to claim writeoffs on completed work, you have to release that work to the public domain.

Hopefully, they’ll still have time to finish ASOIAF....

When hiking, a phone should be a backup resource only.  

Like even if Google Maps was accurate, it’s crazy to climb a wholeass mountain that you’ve never been to just using a map app instead of not read any of the trail guides readily available online. Also does the local government/park service not issue any trail maps there?

Reading is fundamental. This is good stuff. This could be popular but the time frame for results would be revolutionary if they could get it down to 3 days

For the Israelis, sure. For the people in the West Bank? Not so much.

Hell yeah, I’m surprised you guys are allowed to post this. I gotta clear up some funds for their subscription. Maybe I have some Patreons I’m not paying attention to anymore.


Sounds promising! Wish them the best of luck! As a daily consumer I would gladly pay a small-ish amount for good content without the ridiculous ad-farm that some sites fall victim to (not mentioning names lol).

Nick Fury show was garbage. Plenty of people watching Loki.  This show looks great, and it has Kingpin. The trailer is appealing to Netflix Daredevil fans. I think it has a much better shot than you are giving it. I had zero interest in this until I saw the trailer. 

Every time I see an article about Robert Durst, for a split second, I think, “They finally are going to bring that guy to justice for all those horrible Limp Bizkit songs.”  

I was thinking the other day how lots of games these days stop you even getting to start menu with a white on black text screen warning about flashing light effects (and similarly warned when watching Games Done Quick events on YouTube or even broadcast news.. but not movies?!) and while that must be a small portion

For some context around how guidelines might look, google WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), which are written and updated by the W3 to present a minimum standard of web accessibility.