Light Emitting Diode

Except for his girl Friday

Did you have to?

To be fair It is currently Wednesday

At the very least I’m glad she made the strongest song (Talking to Yourself) on the album her single. I’ll Be Your Girl would have killed from Dedicated.

As a gay guy that had a crush on one of his straight friends in college, finally getting with a different guy that knows what he’s doing and actually wants to be with you “that way” helps you get over the crush near-instantaneously.

Daphne was Horny Grandpa’s pairing. They both had their own thing going and a (seeming) lifetime of gained knowledge. They sought connection on vacation and were disappointed. Harper’s supposed (I believe her) betrayal of Daphne was arguably the worst of the season because it was possibly the only organic relationship

Mia also picked up on Lucia’s comment from the first episode and passed that advice physically to Valentina. 

I feel like we won’t get resolution to it, but White gave us a happy ending for the Italians (except Giuseppe), so I’m hoping that extends to the Italian authorities investigating. 

Daphne was the best of the season, and along with Horny Grandpa were good counterpoints to the “going through some stuff” other people. She knows exactly the kind of man her husband is. Her marriage is just going through the motions of domestic bliss, but she’s accepted that and found her own joy.

Just as long as there’s not more than two.

That bunny had it coming

Also wondering if the AI knows how to ally out of spite.

Yeah, it’s also weird in True Romance with the “Sicilian Speech”. I’m not saying that he doesn’t overuse it. Just that I’d be a lot more up in arms if it was thrown around like F and T slurs were by “good characters” in so many other films by other writers/directors.

It’s about context. Generally, characters in QT’s films that use that slur are morally reprehensible if not outright bad people.

Probably waiting for Perry to release another paragraph of his bio.

Everything new I hear about this I’m thinking “Literally nobody did due diligence?”. Oh no, a bunch of the worst people you’ve ever met lost money in a speculative market!

So the domestic violence will be portrayed as a “good thing” to “break in” a “willful woman”, got it.

A full grown (and how!) man is perfectly capable of putting together context.

The only reason to play a PS4 version rather than the PS5 version is if you’re trophy collecting. I don’t play Destiny, but all the other games I have that have free PS5 upgrades were rather straightforward in giving me the option. 

It’s betting that the other one is bad that, even if yours is just mediocre, you look better by comparison.