Jovovich is a bad comparison as a lot of her films in past decade were directed by her husband.
Jovovich is a bad comparison as a lot of her films in past decade were directed by her husband.
There’s gambling, which could get you unique and set pieces. Just that running good TC areas on Hell had a better ROI in terms of time. And, y’know, more fun.
What’s especially ridiculous is that, if true, Whedon thinks he has that sort of pull in the industry? He was second string choice for Justice League, and The Avengers would have worked with just about any competent mainstream director (then there’s Age of Ultron just simply not working).
Yeah, the whole point of due diligence is so that things like these don’t happen. The rules exist not to hold things up, but to ensure that justice is properly meted out.
My partner and I saw his new set last week and it was pretty great. Maybe a minute on his new relationship (self-deprecating at that), but as you can probably predict a good 80% of his new stuff is about his intervention and rehab stint.
Look up his full name, it’s ludicrous and very “son-of-movie-folks”.
Not defending his honor in the least, but even if he were a fine specimen, should the thing come to light you’d have a huge amount of publicity in your private life. Plus there’s the ethical issues of entering into a relationship with a married man. And then there’s the “Fucking your boss” issues.
Y’s death-seeking attention is addressed in the comics. 355 “breaks” him from it by using a BDSM therapist. Yeah...
I can’t wait to eat that monkey
Yeah, given Harriot’s prominence, and the fact that Powell was 1) old and 2) fighting cancer, it’s definitely just a prepared statement under his name. Or Harriot swapped having his name on it for a choice day off, which... fair, same.
If Cheney, Bush or, hell, even Ashcroft bite it this week I’m breaking out the good stuff on Friday.
“Ran a red light once”, “Had an affair”, or even “Manslaughter” aren’t quite “Being complicit in the death of half a million Iraqis and the destabilization of an entire region”.
Great, now I want to fight Daniel Craig if I see him at a gay bar.
I’m kind of with her on a few things. Bowling as a group seems like it would only be fun if everyone was decent. (Everyone bad? Do something else that people enjoy.) It’s always the one guy showboating about how good he is and the rest of us just kind of there. Some guy probably took her on a date to go bowling to…
Kissinger, meanwhile, grows stronger
Yeah, if you think you’re on Facebook too much and want to enforce some time away, just type “Men are such trash” in a comment or as your status. 24 Hour Ban.
Good that they documented everything. They either have a clinical case of therapeutic CBD or of spontaneous remission, either of which should be studied thoroughly. Win-Win-Win
Major surgery and/or chemo/radiotherapy at that age, along with having pre-existing lung conditions, she was thinking about her quality of life.
You can play offline, and when I play this weekend I might start up an offline character just to goof around, but as long as the server issues don’t snowball into authentication issues there shouldn’t be too huge an issue.
I mean it sounds par for the course for Blizzard.