Light Emitting Diode

I’m kind of with her on a few things. Bowling as a group seems like it would only be fun if everyone was decent. (Everyone bad? Do something else that people enjoy.) It’s always the one guy showboating about how good he is and the rest of us just kind of there. Some guy probably took her on a date to go bowling to

You can play offline, and when I play this weekend I might start up an offline character just to goof around, but as long as the server issues don’t snowball into authentication issues there shouldn’t be too huge an issue.

I mean it sounds par for the course for Blizzard.

It’s only in Part 2 if they start to call ahead to the other books, or bring in some of the epigraphical stuff in the book that alludes to future events.

I mean it’s dirtbag...

Yeah, right-handed anti-clockwise thrower, so if an evasive pokemon hangs out on the right side of my screen I’m cussing up a storm.

Oh man, you didn’t know about Spin Throws? Pretty soon they’ll be the only throw you feel comfortable making.

Eh, given that what I’m paying is BC with PS5, or a service usable with the PS5 (Plus), or PSN sales for my precious Vita, I’m okay with this.

At least with Ei8ht they already killed off Kevin Spacey’s character, so they don’t have to worry about that

What do you want for your Dots? I’ve got suckers and mini-Hershey Bars

If DFEH either ignored the blatant conflict of interest or didn’t do the basic due diligence just about every job does (much less for counsel), then the DFEH could have effectively shit the bed and give AB an out. EEOC is correct in sniping at DFEH because it imperils this case.

Scream 7: One More and the Doctor Says We Can’t Go Back On Tour Ever

Rebuttal: Nah, actually it’s pretty funny.

It’s literally the pro-Israel policy doctrine of the Evangelicals: Jesus won’t come back until there’s a huge war/massacre/miracle in Israel. Mind you, Revelations was also literally about the early Roman emperors that were persecuting Christians.

There are people in the hospital with breakthrough infections that deserve the monoclonal antibodies more than folks that passed up hundreds of opportunities to get the vaccine.

I cancelled Star Trek!

Woohoo! Free ghost!

Yeah, if West is cogent/sober/”normal” enough these days, he’s a very famous performer. I don’t really see the issue with Kim going to him for advice given that he’s performed for stadiums and on live tv before. Bonus points if she also tells folks about the extent of George W. Bush’s care for Black people.

I learned, but given that they’re miniature floating cities, it makes sense

Please, read another book.