Light Emitting Diode

I think it’s going to be a completely tangential character, as there being a dead body at the end of a vacation is more to set the show’s mood of “Doom”

I mean it was experimental, but I think she could have pulled of playing every part.

I like to cook up some diced pancetta so that it has only a slight crunch but still has some tooth, and sprinkle it over my risottos.

It’s entirely possible for Thiel to be a fucker but also Gawker to be (editorially run by) a fucker.

Not just law, Critical Race Theory is so insidious that it also expanded its reach to my grad courses in Public Policy, too! Children beware!

The Rich consume massive amounts of water for their fountains, pools, landscaping and private golf courses. However, I’m equally at fault because I ::reads note:: shower once a day using a low-flow showerhead for maybe 5 minutes so I don’t get dinged for being “unpresentable” at work.

I’ll unpack it: Not nearly enough

The “Conserve water” excuse is such a fucking strawman. Landscaping and pools take up so much more water than showering, it’s ridiculous.

My wish is that Brnovich and Ducey just flat-out ignore him during the primary and only debate eachother. Like, ignore this scrawny mayonnaise packet of a man as not even worth humiliating.

I’ll take eight!

One’s a shower to wake up, which I understand as it’s part of my morning routine too, even if I showered then night before after a run. Showering after a workout is just common sense. A hot shower before bed is a luxury.

Google: The Nagano Tapes Opening Song

It was implied, but given that their primary theme is her coming dissatisfaction with her role in their relationship, the looming death of someone is itself less mystery and more of the thematic feeling of doom.

Conservatives ruined “Free Markets” for everyone when they insist on also wanting Government bailouts and subsidies for Corporations, and Government suppression of Workers’ Rights. Just like they ruined the word “Libertarian”.

Given that a large portion of PoGo players don’t live in areas where Heracross spawns naturally in the wild, it’s not really an issue. Also there’s a weekly 1-coin bundle that gives Remote Raid Passes if you don’t have any and the weekly Research Prize last month was giving 1 Remote Raid Pass (regardless of how many

I wish that’s how that worked. Somehow we can cancel diamonds, literally rocks, but can’t a motorcycle rally.

Hey Niantic, here’s some free business advice: Get better A/B testing

GSM is a better acronym, and one that I regularly use, in spite of gay tech pedants (ironically, one of which is my partner).

If we have a right to poach elephants then it’s not really poaching, is it? Checkmate, straights

At least butter is tasty.