“Rosamund Pike absolutely glows in Radioactive”
“Rosamund Pike absolutely glows in Radioactive”
Seriously, I came to this article titled “Country Singer Margo Price on Isolation and Her New Album” expecting takes on current events. Instead I got a piece about country singer Margo Price and how the isolation and current events have affected her, and then her talking about her new album!
I mean yeah, that’s the point. Trump treating it like it’s some huge feat, and that he thinks “people being very surprised” that he “aced” it is embarrassing in the “Oh honey...” range of fremdshchamen.
After he’s elected can we criticize him without you partisans saying “What, you’d rather have Trump?”. Like... pretty please?
Maybe we’ll get lucky and Biden will 1) Choose someone with vision as his VP and 2) die quickly in office.
Will you deign allow leftists to criticize Biden once he wins, or will it be another Obama situation? Like if Biden left the children in cages would you actually ever say anything about it?
So I Didn’t Marry an Axe Murderer
If we’re going to be pedantic (I mean we’re dealing with names here, so... natch) the covid-19 is the disease caused by the virus. The Cov in Covid stands for Coronavirus, which is what the virus is. Public perception does need to change about it, but changing the name when the original doesn’t belie respiratory…
~~But the mortality rate is so low!~~ /s
I mean he has a well-known addictionlove of wine, so he ain’t lying.
Crime’s been going down for decades now, yet they still think that somehow it’s at its worst. It’s never about getting a particular policy outcome, it’s always about playing victim to the “liberals” and filling their coffers during fundraising.
This and make tried-and-true Birth Control OTC already
The premise is that the traumas inflicted upon AI led to their want to rise up and do things to the humans. I mean you should know... Bernard.
It wouldn’t just be okay, it’d be hilarious.
The devil gives the false option of choice after temptation, when taking the temptation rather than denying him outright is what you’re supposed to do. It’s literally the Devil’s thing. If Mr. Daniels wanted to be Christian, Johnny would have just said no to the Devil in the first place.
Like Trump going for “Sleepy Joe” instead of the more accurate and catchy “Sloppy Joe”, right wing assholes bringing up Benghazi as some indictment of Clinton’s foreign policy as SoS instead of the whole sending Libya into anarchy and civil war fascinates me.
Tariffs, trade wars,. auto-regulations and federal mangement of disasters that affect consumer activities fall in the domain of a blog about transportation.
Trails out here were overloaded before it became to hot to existhike outside here in Phoenix.
My composition prof in college took issue with Rowling’s veiled attempt at slavery dialogue (Hermione’s anti-house elf group and everyone’s “Nah, that’s just how it is”) and straight up had us compare those chapters to Nietzsche for an essay.
Linguistic prescriptivism is mid-key classism. Outside of actual grammar classrooms and graded written papers where conciseness is key, people correcting other people’s grammar is never done in good faith. It’s always an attempt belittle or demean someone else for the education they had or their mental faculties.