
Something I mocked-up a while back, comparing the SP to the 8I (I know it’s really rough)

I’d have to go with something like Elio Motors. You can’t make a trash car if your company never got around to making any cars in the first place.

1: Do asshole thing and show it for all to see.

Trump appointee aaaannnd... “The American Bar Association (ABA) rated Mizelle “Not Qualified” by a majority and “Qualified” by a minority of the Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary to serve as a federal trial court judge, noting that “Since her admission to the bar Ms. Mizelle has not tried a case, civil or

We’re on our own now in this pandemic and future pandemics. My advice is to always mask up on planes and trains. I won’t give a shit if I’m the only passenger doing it. I know what works. Masks were never a punishment. I feel awful that we let them feel like a punishment. Masks let us go out and live our lives while a

Fucking Florida.

“republican values”

You really wanna go there bud? First of all, its not the statues of founding fathers being torn down. Its confederate statues. As a native southerner who’s family actually fought on the side of the confederacy, those statues are not worth the pot metal they are made out of.

 And of course I bet you are like most

The Steve Bannons of the world who always complain about Iran aren’t upset about that society.

Nope, no difference.

Correct, there is no meaningful difference at this point.

Do not forget their tendency to make videos talking about their views posing in front of their gun collection, while holding a gun and or religious texts.

I have been thinking about this for some time.

I prefer this one.

You missed a big opportunity calling the ‘MSM’ the Lame Stream Media, big smart man.

Well, If you hate Biden for that, just wait until you hear about the last guy.

I hate how Biden invaded Ukraine and also told big oil to raise gas prices. He clearly did it. We should impeach him.

Living up to your username I see.