
Would you get in an electric car, blast to 60 in 2.something seconds and be like”

You forgot to add how in politics anything that good that happened a sitting pres will 100% take credit for, even when they had nothing to do with it, and blame their predecessor for anything that goes wrong unless their predecessor had the same letter next to their name, in which case go back the the predecessor with

Well if your not familiar with turbo car’s of that era not expecting the turbo lag is understandable.  I would also like to know how old, or new, the tires are. Cars like these typically aren’t driven a lot so having old tires and not knowing is possibility.

You must not have looked at truck prices in years. MSRP on a Ford F-150 hovers right at or a hair below $50k for a low spec model.

I disagree, I think when people say EV’s are boring drives, it’s not because they have stupid acceleration, it’s because ANY EV can has nutty 0-60 times, that a few years ago were unheard of even in the tip top of the super/hyper/mega car market. That’s kind of the point EV’s made performance well, irrelevant. Like

Yep essentially ANY sealed container of any kind should not be left in a car in extreme hot or cold days. That said, if it is something filled with a gas like say a lighter it’s fine on cold days.  Or I should say something that’s liquid filled whose freezing point is well below normal winter temps, that varies

Or in a very hot car, in both cases the can can explode.

Well we can hope, and pray, that the GOP tears itself apart jockeying for a place on the Cheeto’s teet.  I think we saw a tiny bit of that with the government shutdown vote.

So much this, it take an exceedingly long time to spin up manufacturing from scratch, and it’s longer than a 4 year presidential term.

To be fair that’s pretty much how it goes in politics.

I don’t actually care. That said bro dozers are objectively stupid. You take a truck and make pretty much everything about it useless, or almost useless, giant lift, giant deep dish wheels with low profile “off road” tires, you took something that works and made it worse. You now have a bed you can’t get anything into

Interesting, I would have assumed the reactor portion at least would have been kind of standardized and maybe just set up for scalability depending on power output goals. Maybe even slightly modular.

I suspect what happened is she tried to sue Lyft, her counsel told her look they got loads of money you are going to lose, so she tried suing the guy hoping he couldn’t afford a good attorney. Also wouldn’t there be some kind of legal requirement to stop and render aid, and you know fleeing the scene of an accident.

Look the HD trucks is easy, Bro Dozer. Those emotional support trucks make these twat with a penis the size of a cocktail frank feel like they are actually packing real deal man meat down there. And those same guys also tend to be the most aggressive douche nozzles, you know “short man syndrome” and we ain’t talking

Agreed, and I mean I think it’s dumb to remove something you already had, but also it’s WILD that the FAA never required geofencing around places like airports, military bases or like the White House. I would have thought that once drones took off something like that would have been top of the agenda.

Oh yeah John Ficarra bought it and is attempting to restore it at his shop. If it’s at his shop in Nevada City California it’s likely fine as that’s a long way from LA.  And knowing him I wouldn’t put it past him to restore it and then cannonball it across country lol.

I mean it’s not like anything we have heard before, but also exactly like stuff we have heard before.  It’s a rock hitting concrete at high speed so it sounds like a rock hitting concrete at high speed, the difference this rock is from space lol.

I mean to be fair they were never required to do it per the FAA in the first place, and frankly any drone over 250 grams you have to register with the FAA.

LOL and when they did more or less do that with the AMG One it took a TON of work to even make it functional in a street car since those engines aren’t really built to function when being driven like a “normal” car

LOL yeah now I grew up on the south so nowhere near TMI, but yeah I remember just hearing kind of generally it was really bad. And then I read about what happened and I was like umm like it wasn’t great, and it could have been worse, but nothing of substance bad happened. Like no one got radiation poisoning or died,