Right or even just refit like a Transit or something
Right or even just refit like a Transit or something
Yes but again company B is just doing what it was already doing whether there were carbon credits or not. It’s not like Tesla is making an EV instead of an ICE car, they are doing it anyway, but Company pays them money for credits so that company A looks better on paper. Now I know at some point, I think, there were…
Yes but then it wouldn’t be a HALO car lol. Honestly I don’t know maybe there was packaging/cost issues trying to put in something else but it’s a shame they didn’t continue on with it it has such a lovely sound.
“Those would require a cab over or semi cab over design where the drivers have to climb up more to get into the vehicle.”
I mean to be fair for a Lexus, who at that point and still, hadn’t done a truly halo sports car. Plus it had extensive use of carbon fiber a first for Lexus/Toyota at the time, that said it’s mostly the glorious engine lol
I mean they are 100% better from the drivers perspective, I have heard horror stories from mail carrier that used to stop at the gas station I worked at. But they could have gone for a stubby nose design similar to the old Econoline vans of the 90's and the proportions would have looked better. I mean I agree it is…
Well that and these pooling agreements, and things like carbon credits are/were a big scam anyway. So company A pays company B money so that company A can pollute like they already are, but it’s not like company B was like you know we got all the coal we were gonna burn but you paid us money so we won’t burn it, like…
I hate it, mainly because the proportions are just so off, I mean I know the current ones are a soda can with wheel, but ooff
Wait is that delivering my mail now lol
Yeah and it’s one ugly SOB, like could no one, not one single freaking person, step and and say hey, yeah that design is absolute shit. It’s just so ungainly, like they were designing the front to be like a small van or something, got to the rear of the hood and someone said you know what make it 12' from that point…
That’s why I would mandate it in the same way handicapped spots are mandated, minus the location requirement. If you build a commercial building and requirement say you must put say 4 handicapped spots, you much also put 4 level 3 chargers, won’t help for existing buildings. But if every gas station, office building,…
Right it’s like it has huge buck teeth, but jutting out straight forward, and that front bumper looks worse than the old low impact bumper they jam on European sports cars.
Spot on and it’s why Tesla is still so popular they have by far the most robust and reliable charging network. But that’s why I think adding Level 3, specially or better, EV chargers as a mandatory part of a building permit should be a thing nationwide. Make it easy and everywhere, and only allow Level 2 chargers at…
I don’t remember hearing anything about magnets. But like I said it follows a precise set path, that’s SUPER easy to program, rely on FSD for the like x feet from tunnel exit to parking spot, and have the “trip” initiated by the rider, it’s not super hard when you have full total and complete control of the…
Interesting I remember seeing a good bit when it first dropped, but I rarely see them anymore, same for their other truck/suv offerings.
I mean Honda you do you, but ummmm Nissan big trucks and suv’s aren’t exactly huge movers over here.
Honestly this ranks up there with carbon credit as just being a massive scam. Like I’m gonna keep polluting but pay company x millions of dollars for credit against my pollution. Like the company your paying isn’t polluting less that they would have if you hadn’t payed them.
Exactly, this morning it was 30 I had on my work shirt a fleece hoodie and then a heavier leather jacket, get to work heavy jacket comes off lol. You can always add more.
Its funny I was thinking about when we were in Colorado, all the other family had like long johns, sweat pants/shirt then skit pants and heavy jacket I was like t shirt and ski pants/jacket and that’s it. Like it was cold, it was a good bit below zero if my 30 years ago memory serves, but it wasn’t bad. Here in Texas…