“ Who maintains that database?”
“ Who maintains that database?”
Good, I generally dislike the idea speed limiters in the first place, or at least ones you can’t disable. There are plenty of areas where the normal flow of traffic is above the posted limit, in those situations driving the limit is actually MORE dangerous than going with the flow. In Houston, inside the loop 55mph…
Nah this is an armored, like actually armored, VIP personnel carrier, it’s a safety measure to prevent things like explosives being shoved up there.
LOL touche.
100% this, there was normally a sign there anyway to he would have hit that instead.
As engineer said, it’s not uncommon, especially in big highway/freeway interchanges.
You are probably right, tbh I never really looked at them, out of my price range, thought I liked the 4C, I like seemingly every one else in the US heard about them being unreliable and then just parrot it lol. That said shaking a reputation, earned or not, is hard to shake. I think is we had not had those truly…
Exactly because their hybrid systems allow them to generate power that feels much more like an NA engine, pretty much eliminating turbo lag, and depending on the set up, many function with motors on the front wheels as well, giving the cars all wheel drive that lets them pot more power down. Not only that they can do…
I think the problem is Alfa has a reputation, earned or not, that turns off a lot of potential buyers. They may be better now than in the past, but much like the shit diesel cars the US had in the 70's it just kind of ruined diesel cars for the future.
Right, and even if you did, it would perform worse. Pretty much every hybrid super/hyper car is using the hybrid drive train for some small EV only range, and for torque fill at speed. So getting rid of the torque fill just to shave weight would just give you less performance than you already had.
GMA T.50 has entered the chat lol.
Misleading headline because TECHINCALLY you are getting a bit of premium, it’s just that the amount is so little that it doesn’t matter. But it doesn’t mean you aren’t getting any lol.
lol well to be fair there IS construction going on so the normal 2 lane road is down to one. And they did happen to widen the sidewalks, but I just found it funny.
Funny speaking of driving on the sidewalk, I literally saw the mail man doing that yesterday.
I suspect it could get shipped ground freight straight to your door.
This a set of proper sport tires, and maybe track oriented brake pads/fluid, is probably all most people would need. I mean just look at Road and Track’s Performance Car of the Year tests those are all done with cars in stock form.
LOL yeah, once you get in the stupid levels of power, making it something “nice” to drive at normal speeds on normal roads is hard. Not impossible, but hard.
Read headline wait what, thinking she was IN the car wash being pulled along, then the lead gif, nope she 100% just ran into him. Ticket deserved.
“that caused people to jog for their lives.”
It’s funny I listen to a LOT of EDM, and I have heard, remixes of that La Roux track, like a lot, but I have never heard the OG version lol.