
Yes it did the expansiveness and time involved was a whole new beast for Japanese companies.

video gambling in rural areas is one of the most depressing things to watch ever.

Nintendo has already given a semi-explanation as to why we aren't getting the smaller one—basically, they don't think it'll sell as well here—but all across the web, people AREN'T STANDING FOR IT. They're making their voices heard. They're starting petitions. Facebook groups. Big Reddit threads where they're

"Third-person" is indeed "part of the nomenclature of the hobby". But it isn't synonymous with "over-the-shoulder", and most if not all MOBAs are third-person, which makes Mike's statement contradictory.

Yeah man, what a pedant. It's almost like he noted an inaccuracy in a professional videogame writer's article and wanted to clarify it or something. Pfft.

Reacting to the unexpected is part of determining skill. If you're only good in certain conditions, you aren't really that good.

How is it about finding out who is better at "the game" when you've removed half of "the game?" Dealing with items and adapting on the fly is part of being good at Smash Bros.

You're the stupid one that got into this fad and gave your money to this sad trend.

I love how consultants tend to basically give the same feedback that the teams QA testers give, only no one listen to QA testers, event though they are by and large the target demographic of most video games. C'est la vie!

They are consumer products often backed by millions of dollars in development. To some of the people that make them, they are art. To most of the people that bankroll them, they are products with risks that must be mitigated to ensure ROI.

A consultant is someone who provides expert advice professionally for a fee. Specifically, a game consultant's job is to provide insights and recommendations that help game companies improve their products' chances for success. One type of evaluation might examine a game's narrative and story, user interface, level

If video games are art, and we want them to be considered art. Why are consultants necessary?

I'm a heterosexual guy so even though I'm fully aware that these types of guys exist and believe women when they tell stories about them, I'm still a bit taken aback when I see them in the wild. Like....dudes really approach women like this? This is real life?

Gay = stupid can never not be offensive. I think it's ridiculous when people try to argue that. Not that you are, I just hate that trope.

Seriously? And she's multimillionaire for this?

Seriously. This shit is awful. My ears!

Once you start saying "people are at fault" for not buying your product, it's over. You're donezo. It replaces the need for having a smartphone for browsing/movies/music, but it doesn't replace the need for having a smartphone for being a phone. Adult human beings have exactly one personal inventory slot for an

It may be a lost sale, it may not be a lost sale. But that's not the point. The point is that it should be up to the copyright owner to decide whether or not he/she wants his work on a stream. They are the ones who have to decide if it's worth it for them or not. As an example, I wouldn't want you using my work in any

You remove content if you want to sell it back as one of the many, many DLCs that this series always has.

Agreed. Ni No Kuni is pretty, but no must-play. I'd sooner recommend Blue Dragon.