For the students at Middle School 118 in New York City’s Bronx borough, it was an immersive lesson gone way too far.
For the students at Middle School 118 in New York City’s Bronx borough, it was an immersive lesson gone way too far.
Black History Month started off with a bang for one Montpelier, Vt., high school that began flying a Black Lives…
“It was just a prank, can’t they take a joke”
An Oregon State University student government representative is facing felony hate crime charges after he allegedly…
Florida is one of four states in the union that permanently disenfranchise individuals convicted of a felony, even…
I believe in father-son affection. I have a son. He’s 3 months old, and I am dreading the day that he finds my…
While we were wringing our hands about the travel ban or the nonsensical plans to staff a Game of Thrones-style wall…
A 25-year-old man has been arrested in connection with the “swatting” death of a Kansas man who was shot and killed…
An Alabama family is demanding answers after a 17-year-old was brutally assaulted by Troy, Ala., police officers in…
There’s one burned into my mind, Kuumba (12/31/2017 this year). Sesame Street used to run these interstitial short films between segments sometimes. When I was six, there was a piece about Kwaanza I saw. It’s my first memory of abstract animation. And then a voice said, with an accent I’d never heard before, “In…
Add flying and receiving kindness to the ever growing list of things that black people can’t do. On Christmas Eve,…
I totally co-sign the Kwanzaa parade.
We don’t tend to look at the wealth gap as a form of violence, even though it’s certainly rooted in it.
Contrary to popular belief, not every piece of correspondence received by writers at The Root begins with “You’re…
Is it hilarious or sad that there’s more hand wringing over a simple protest gesture than there was after a player knocked his wife unconscious in an elevator and then dragged her down a hallway like a sack of trash?
It really doesn’t take much to trigger a Donald Trump supporter. Mention Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Russia or…
I went to middle school in Houston, Texas. We have 2 pledges, The pledge of allegiance and the Texas Pledge. I can tell you that doing 2 every single day, close to the end of the year most kids didn’t stand and the teachers were fine with. Never reprimanded any students for it. I can’t say it’s the same situation…
These people have been wanting call these babies the nword for so long they can’t contain it anymore. She was arrested for being black , doubt anyone noticed nonblack students sitting for the pledge.
A 17-year-old Houston student is suing her high school after she was kicked out for not standing for the daily…