It has been more than three years since the residents of Flint, Mich., have had clean water. The city had to jump…
It has been more than three years since the residents of Flint, Mich., have had clean water. The city had to jump…
Fucking hell...
Please read and understand: this outrageous outburst by the teacher was precipitated by students LAUGHING in class. That is sufficient conduct for black people to be degraded.
“I’m feeling that his intent is to do me harm, and I keep thinking, ‘Don’t do this. Please don’t do this. Don’t make this happen,’” Shelby told CBS back in March.
insisted that the shooting had nothing to do anything about race
I’m not hopeful that this waste of life will be convicted, but at least they’re putting her stupid ass on trial.
It’s probably not the first time she’s done this. Disgusting excuse for an educator.
This is very sad. Suicide by cop is always distressing.
Sounds to me that unlike Tamir Rice, this kid was actually given a chance to process the request to drop the weapon, and then had time to drop it. But instead, he kept advancing on them. This kid sounds like someone who had a death wish. Which is so, so sad but shouldn’t be compared to Jordan Edwards, who was flat out…
Those militias are usually made up of ex-military and ex-cop, and still-cop. So no one is ever gonna suspect ‘militias’.
A California school district is being hit with a lawsuit after suspending four students for liking and commenting on…
Octavia Spencer, who is currently starring in the movie Gifted, spoke out at the film’s premiere about the lack of…
Right. Did the police escalate the situation? Most likely. There was definitely something wrong here. But, to say he was “unarmed” is a bit misleading.
We have a big problem with police violence against people of color. This is a great article.
What’s most important here is that we continue to cut social services so this girl ends up with no real chance to escape this life. How could any mental health or childcare assistance have prevented this anyway?
Here is the problem with that argument:
Live or not, murders, suicides and rapes still happen. What I’m trying to say is that sometimes things like Facebook Live shed light on the ugly aspects of humanity and for that reason, they are necessary. Also, I doubt that anybody watching the assault thought they were witnessing something or they would have…
Without Facebook Live, we wouldn’t know about Philando Castile.
This is a crazy one, here. I’m not a fan of the painting, myself, but I do think the artist has the right to paint whatever he or she wants. This is a tough one to judge, tho, for sure.....
Lol yes this.