
How long had this abuse been going on? The rest of the family acting like they didn’t know nothing. She looks crazy t me; that’s the problem with black people and mental illness they don’t want to talk about it. Somebody should have called on her a long time ago and maybe this would have never happened. Ain’t It

I would not want to be a white man that’s supposed to be all high and mighty, better than, right all the time and has it all; and still have to put Blacks down to feel good about myself. Because that’s what any white psychologist sociologist will tell you it’s happening with those kind of White people that are

Yes these kids have to run away from home or face horrible treatment at home. I see young Black children every day being pulled Along by the single parents being yelled at and hit. They are always crying and screaming because they are not getting any understanding for real care.

Do you really think that a white man could show Any respect to a black man. It’s more like, oh, Black man you think you’re equal, important, or somebody, well I’ll show you that you’re not you’re in my hands now.

That sounds like the kind of stuff the whites get away with in Seattle, WA.

Well when you here natives of New Jersey pronounce the word Jersey that tells you a lot about their intelligence level. White people really don’t understand what it is to be black; they play at it ‘black face,’ they study it, they take training, they do everything but turn their skin black and go out and experience

I see all kind of replies except ones condemning these sick perverted animals that committed that act. I hope they get the death sentence or at least life who needs crap like that around walking the streets.

Don’t look

If they don’t like it, if they are turned off by that sort of thing they should not go to Facebook live. Nobody is forcing them, nobody is holding a gun on them making them go there and check it all out.

I haven’t forgotten the three sisters that were beaten, raped, and jailed by the Mexican police. I don’t know what is going to take to stop black people from going to that place.

I agree with you because I just have all kinds of ways of expressing to the art what they think or believe. It’s okay with me as long as they are not trying to cover up the facts or the truth.

The American white man it’s called the devil all over the world.

Thank the Lord somebody came through for us. We have a lot of black people who are millionaires; yet every once in awhile I read in the paper how some historic home being used as a black museum, or a black art gallery, is on The Chopping Block because they can’t raise enough money. But a lot of these black

It has nothing to do with what white people are not used to seeing brown people doing or with. Poor white people especially do not like to see black people doing better or equal to them. They are the first ones to tell their children or others when they see a black person in a nice car that, “that black person must be

I wish blacks would stop copying some of the things White people do. Copycat seems to be more prevalent amount blacks in the south; the trouble with it is it stifles creativity.

#blacktwitter or #stoppolicebrutality

That man looks possessed

They are not call the devil for nothing.

White kids should sue 

I understand that officer got an invite to live in a all-white community, and I’ll bet he has a better job now and then he had then. They don’t call them The Devil for nothing.