
The only truly negative thing I can say for 24:LAD is that we have to wait a year to see if it gets Emmy noms, which it mostly certainly should for both sides of the camera!

Kate would get them out of a ticket by showing some cleavage. (Flashbacks to Cannonball Run)

I thought the sinking of the carrier was a "subroutine"? BaDUMbum!

I expected the last third to be classic 24, but this has been a better (and shorter) ride. I was waiting for the "personal" part to arise and it has.

Most of 24's preseasonal ads say "Jack's back", but I'd be down with "Kate's back" next time. She's been a great mirror for him this season. I wonder how she & Chloe would get along. But they'd better not kill off Sir Jack Bauer (the Brits should knight his ass) to make the transition. Give him closure.

Vice President Tony Almeida. Make it happen, 24!

In the coffin:
Heller - most likely
Jack - likely
Audrey - not likely

Jack should add "You might get killed" to his dating profile.

Gonna be a lonnnng plane ride home. Wonder what the movie will be?

Bad ass of the hour award: Chloe O'Brian. Only a tree could knock her out.
Really? moment: Audrey leaving the confines of indoor knowing Cheng was back. Yes, she looked around to make sure the Secret Service was close, but that was just odd. (Although the camera work when she was left standing was amazing.)

A nod to Kate's badassery: in 12 hours, you find out your co-worker gets killed by your boss, find out your boss caused your husband to be burned (then kill himself), get told by Jack to "just deal with it", get T-boned on your side of the car….and come out guns blazing!

Was actually waiting for his "Just five more minutes! Dammit!"

The last episode is titled "Day 9: 10:00 p.m. – 11:00 a.m." There's your jump.

I never throw a remote at the TV before but if Boudreau tells Audrey and/or Jack that he gave Jack to the Russians in order to keep them apart, I just might.

First, she's a direct link to Jack. Second, her hacking skills are top notch. Third, it's Chloe, you can't kill Chloe! (Although at this point she might welcome it.)

While I expected the other shoe to drop in the last quarter (third in this case) of the season, as is the case in 24, I'm am grateful for the shorter LAD version. It's always funny (as in odd) to me when they claim it's in "real time" and we see Jack on screen for most of it, then see his & Kate's plan to get Navarro

Mercernaries rarely care where the money comes from.

Hence the "new Jack".

Kudos to the writers for making Audrey grateful for her father's return. With what she's been through, I expected her to shut everybody down. But I guess that's why she's grateful?

My favorite part of the episode? The almost-15-minute open. The clock popped up at 12min mark and I was honestly shocked.