
Are you saying FX shows don't get Emmy noms? What about Justified and American Horror Story???

I think it would also be neat if Caleb's leaving Norman beaten in that dark motel room was also in Norman's mind and Caleb is found butchered in the room, a la the school teacher.

For 13 episodes, this series lulled (lured) me away from the Norman Bates From The Movies storyline. Not once did I complain that all these extraneous characters were taking me away from that idea, because all the actors are just damn good to make this its own story. I didn't even catch that, when Norman visited Miss

Second Episode: "If You Are Watching This, You Must Be Bored"

While it could be the face-value bringing another into the fold/flock/church, it could be the way those who killed Connors are "infiltrating" the Jennings, giving Paige a friend while also making her an "asset". When this show starts the cut-and-dried explanations, it's time for a re-write.

1) Kelly has got to be luring Paige in, as we've discussed here. What better way to wrangle in the lost than with the "Opiate of the Masses"???
2) I also thought Elizabeth's original spurn of the seaman to be marriage loyalty, but I also saw that in Philip's mother-in-law/hair complex, since Elizabeth previously voiced

Apologies that this is my only frame of reference but Farmiga is the new Jessica Lange. I just hope the Motel writers treat her better than what AHS did to Lange. Farmiga should be on every Emmy list as long as this show airs.
(Edit: not knocking Lange's work in 30+ episodes; knocking the paper bag she has to act