
A big part of it has always been the premise that conservative media is somehow not part of the media. How many times have you seen a Fox News commentator, while on the air during prime time for the countey’s most popular news network, rail against the “mainstream media”?

Conservatives (mostly on Twitter) are calling out Democrats because Harvey bankrolled so many of its candidates (and a few Michael Moore films) and say it’s hypocritical to judge Republicans based on the people that fundraise their campaigns. And you know what? They’re absolutely right.

Socially, we expect- and legally require- adults to not take up children on their sexual advances, though. While sometimes gray for people who just turned 18 in relationships with people slightly younger (which many states use Romeo & Juliet laws to address), one of the basic responsibilities of being an adult is not

The most “enlightened” intelligent, accompished and educated people are sometimes the shitiest, (a lot of them are here). They’ve been bashing the Nsyncs the Britney Spears and the Kardashians for decades. The vapid and “famous for nothing” narrative has gotten old, if anything (besides a really lucrative living and

I don’t know much about the case but I assumed that the argument wasn’t that they should have told *her,* it’s that they had a legal responsibility to tell *someone* as soon as they knew he might be harming minors. Felonies against children aren’t employee’s private lives, they are heinous crimes, and employers

The last paragraph of your comment is everything! “ men are not the gatekeepers of black culture, black women are.”

You know, if this is your response to women sharing their stories of abuse—whatever race they are—I wouldn’t be surprised if you were a perpetrator yourself, because to speak that way speaks to a deeply insensitive, sociopathic and abusive mentality. Additionally, it might behoove your backwards ass to research before

>when it’s pointed out that black men kill well above their proportion of the population, “progressives” go meh...