"How to Handle Someone Shooting at You With Arrows—Rule 1: Remember, they're doing you a favor!"
"How to Handle Someone Shooting at You With Arrows—Rule 1: Remember, they're doing you a favor!"
Coming up next: "9 Easy Steps to Dealing With an Abusive Spouse"
This is true...there is always Florida...
However, in hilarious news from our state, a three year old boy that was missing was found inside a vending machine! (Not funny because there was a missing three year old...but funny because...well...could you imagine walking past a vending machine and seeing a toddler having…
Eh, caring for a dog is far less expensive and time consuming than caring for a child. Especially if you're single.
The composer Phillip Glass is Ira Glass' cousin, actually. And he's not terrible. He's really quite good.
Hi, I'm Turbotastic and this is This Internet Life.
Man Ira is sexy. The show must go on...
I believe (but I am certain others will correct me if I'm wrong) that "former Marine" is reserved for those who are honorably discharged. Her discharged was OTH - other than honorable, making her an ex-Marine. It also seems that she does some other than honorable things while not a Marine as well.
ill be honest, I havent made it through the entire article but I needed to shed some light...
he is so tiny! It makes me want to wrestle him...Did I say that out loud?
Nothing comes out when he moves his lips, just a bunch of gibberish.
Mom's Spaghetti