
Just what I was gonna say!

There was no crime. There is no need for a pardon.

Hate to be a priss, but is it Jeffrey or Jeffery? I think it is the first. I have my own Jeffrey and I love Ina to pieces.

The incisions are very tiny as opposed to traditional surgeries.

I had Da Vinci surgery for my hysterectomy this year. It was great; and btw, the doctor is directing the robot to do the surgery. It’s not let loose on you alone! Very minimal scarring, and I was able to go back to work within a week. My neighbor had a more traditional surgery and was off for six weeks. The tiny

No, clearly you have little idea of the wondrous magic of cats.

I know this is BIG, but ‘besuited Chucky doll’, wow that just made my day!

yes, when they sang ‘Home Home on the Range’ on the commercial, that was it for me.

They are regulars (sort of) on the morning news on WGN in Chicago. Love seeing them everytime!

I’ve tried so many, but I always come back to the champagne of beers. Madeleine, not only do you write all the things I want to read, you even spell your name correctly. xo

I had breast cancer 11 years ago. I took tamoxifen for five years and I am finishing my last year of another five year medication, anastrozole. Both drugs tell my body to stop making estrogen. No weight lost here, in fact, menopause caused weight gain for me. :(

boy bouffant

Mr Mittens approves.

I was thinking Patsy from AbFab.