
My (poorly articulated I can concede) point is that milk sharing really isn't done like this study, so throwing out milk sharing as a result of this study of milk buying really isn't valid. People read the headline here, and say "ew milk donating is bad and contaminated" without knowing the methodology and what is

I remembered reading your comment a couple of days ago, and had to look up something for myself tonight completely unrelated, and thought this link about breastfeeding adoptive babies might interest you. No worries if it doesn't, and not trying to push anything on you, but it isn't necessarily the case that you'd

No, women do not have to throw themselves on the martyr bus and breastfeed through pain in their nipples. If your nipples hurt after the first couple of days adjusting to feeding an infant get help. Problems starting out can effect supply and cause a whole host of other problems that make breastfeeding way more work

No, in fact your information is faulty - at least according to this team of scientists at Georgetown.

You, and the doctors and nurses you mention are right. Milk for premature babies is in fact different than that of full term infants.

About 5-6 years ago I read that site fairly regularly - but honestly all the crap and nastiness really turned me off. I kinda figure there are enough assholes out there that you can't avoid, I'd rather not expose myself to them unnecessarily on the internet.

If you read the study it was shipped with no cooling. Some samples for two or more days. The study itself is frankly garbage.

I don't know where to start with this study (and the article should probably point out a few of these things too) but here goes:

It is totally fascinating! Studies have shown that mother passes on immunities to specific illnesses in that baby's environment on to baby, and white blood cells to help baby's immune system. Long chain fatty acids help brain development, it really is pretty incredible. The skin to skin contact breastfeeding [

There is! Heating milk to 180F will effectively pasteurize it. Many mothers who use milk sharing websites choose to sterilize the milk for this very reason. You're correct it kills the white blood cells in the milk and antibodies but many other benefits remain. :)

I agree - and would add that you don't know what you will produce until you try (if you so choose, of course). It's essentially hormones you take and usually a drug to increase supply and you may be able to if you wish. It can be done if it's a priority for you.

I agree - and would add that you don't know what you will produce until you try (if you so choose, of course). It's essentially hormones you take and usually a drug to increase supply and you may be able to if you wish. It can be done if it's a priority for you.

I am 110% making these for a church bake sale. Awesome.

Aw my high school boyfriend drove a Jimmy - thanks for the memories!

Why exactly would you want to be a part of a group that excludes people based on skin colour? I don't care what "advantages" you think it will offer you, it's better to be standing alone with your integrity than surrounded with people in group that compromise it. The people who are still members of this group are as

I'm not sure which is worse - that some self-described twenty-something "professionals" thought it would be ok to cause this much damage to a house they were renting - or that they somehow think others will feel bad for them because they're picked on by the mean lady sending them a letter pointing out the fact that

This whole scenario is completely indefensible - how could this school be publicly funded and discriminate this way and why on God's green earth would it take 2 hours for a school board committee to "discuss" this?

At the risk of being the old woman motherly type who's been there and done that (I really have) can I tell you something? You are wonderful. You deserve someone who realizes just how wonderful you are, and if he doesn't realize that, he isn't worthy of you and you don't want him. Hold out for someone totally

Yes, and the more angry music when yo do it the better! :)

I'd actually start shopping there for my kids if they did the same thing here... had to buy a gift for my friend's daughter and it looked like every shade of pink ever created threw up. Dishes, kitchen utensils and dollies for girls and space lego, dinosaurs and sports stuff for boys - yarf. There was even a section