Now im wondering if the 360 will top wii sales in the US. It will be hard considering the wii sells out as soon as its put on shelves. Of course theres more 360's out in stores in the first place.
Now im wondering if the 360 will top wii sales in the US. It will be hard considering the wii sells out as soon as its put on shelves. Of course theres more 360's out in stores in the first place.
Actually if this does turn out to have some validity, I think we will finally see some of the Banjo Kazooie Remake on XBLA
Guess this will end up like the g4 25th rumor
As long as Ncsofts recent failures don't bring down ArenaNet and guildwars1/2 its fine with me.
Wow thank you Microsoft for finally making a smart marketing decision and saying the console starts at 199.
From what I've heard if you like gaming, don't work at gamestop or you will just hate it.
Anyone see the giant add on youtube's homepage
gosh...cant these people at least try to have enthusiasm or even be funny like the Gamefly commercials. It makes me angry I don't have a video camera because this contests seems so easy to win.
DAMN why doesn't Microsoft have this dude anymore!
This is great and very convenient for me since 711 right by me. It's actually closer then my gamestop by 1 block and I'll be sure to reserve gears of war 2 there to support them. Not only that I can pick up some Bawls while I'm there.
Good news for future 360 owners.
As proud as I am of my 1000/1000 in Halo 3 Idk if i'll be returning to get these. Only because there might not be enough time with all the great games coming out.
probably one of those little handheld game things like they handed out for sonic the hedgehog at Mcdonalds
I'm sorry but after the megaton de-exclusivity of FF13, to me it would be baffling this game would not come to 360 or even PC.