A very powerful low cost video card?
A very powerful low cost video card?
Wait, this is the Duke Nukem Forever review...?
Really? And nobody has a problem with something like...
2020? I want this on my car right now!
Watching Brian dance...changed my life....
College Dorms are assholes...
Played this at NY comic con, it seemed surprisingly well worth the price. Plus I got a free undead nightmare shirt :D
Uhhg, after playing this game at NY Comic con, I'm very worried.
@lifeinthefridge: Also worth, noting how its hilarious that it doesn't look like it "Kinect" will be able to have FPS games.
Guess he forgot Microsoft makes windows....
Being from new jersey, this is the best California gurls parody
@lifeinthefridge: Now that I've relaxed for a bit...
Ha thats funny, my friends and I would do something similar, but with professional wrestling.We'd draw different fantasy matches and staple a bunch together to make books.
Man, as someone who has put a lot of time into MMO's, it's too bad he just didn't sell his account. At least he could have gotten some compensation for all his time
Planning on upgrading from my blackberry to the droid x coming to verizon. Cant wait!
While this is pretty expensive, why is there no free game add in with it ? uhhh Kinect Sports....Microsoft ?!?
What the............no....
Well...Microsoft will try to slip this mess under the rug 2 years from now once this flops....uhhhg