
In general I agree with you, but this crap passed 94-1 with five non-votes. The only nay vote is Rand freakin’ Paul. So this one is on everybody.

The comedically tragic thing is there is so much money behind all of the principles that the writers here espouse via copy/paste/paycheck.

Don’t give CFPs and RIAs too much credit. Extra legal red tape doesn’t a honest businessman make.

As always, you’re content to present a one-sided perspective and not the whole picture. Yes, the rule would have introduced some useful consumer protections, but why not point out that it would have cost investors an estimated $13 billion in additional fees? Or the fact that financial advisors would be required to pay

Don’t worry, it’s just snark born out of a life of having to trawl the internet for subjects for the inane writing you need to produce to pay off your student loans because only about three journalists in the world are lucky enough to do any real, quality investigative journalism anymore. It’d be a bitter pill to

Exactly. 99% of women wear jeans that defy the laws of physics in such that they shouldn’t be able to fit them on their own bodies, let alone allow enough room for man’s hand. Unless Mark Cuban has ninja sex hands, this story seems unlikely.

There is now evidence that penguin declines are not caused by climate change. Some cynical types might point out that suggesting human activity is responsible for declines, now that climate change claims are debunked, is speculation. And proposing that the discovery of huge numbers of previously unknown numbers of

I’m no penguinologist, but perhaps the other populations are not declining so much as relocating? 100 miles doesn’t seem to be that far for a penguin to roam?

Omg, it’s a freaking movie, not a civil rights revolution. How about you get your kids to watch a documentary or read a book about MLK? Ya know, an REAL pioneer for African American rights.

“Not being offended or angry at something is a clear sign that someone is fragile about it”-Locoesteban, an absolute moron and racist.

“Wypipo are fragile.”

Be fair though, Bugs also did America a lot of good too.

This DOES NOT belong on Lifehacker! My 14 yo son comes here to look at the “neat” stuff Lifehacker has. Please stop posting adult content on a site that is supposed to have “Tips, tricks and downloads for getting things done”

I’m going to be buried with this

Deep down, you care. and it keeps me warm at night.

Why are so many of these guys smug liberal douches?

My gf just bought it for me. I’m pretty sure I’m gonna have to wife her now.

My gf just bought it for me. I’m pretty sure I’m gonna have to wife her now.

If you think about it, for most people it is probably the single most used piece of tech they own. Many people’s jobs and lifestyle may depend on this one device more than any other.

The cost for a iPhone isn’t so expensive that it outweighs having something new and reliable. It isn’t like buying a new car every

This sport is trash, and the fight should have been held anywhere other than Australia. Horn was always going to win that belt.