
“The rapist, in this case, has made a lifelong commitment to live and take care of the person, so it is a little different,” Carlson says, referring to underage marriage.

Don’t ungrey a piece of shit incel.

I’m 95% sure he will face zero consequences for this.

It’s true, I am kind of uptight about not condoning sex with children.

In honor of the first media hero to pull back the curtain on this talentless fuckstick:

These are just his leaked Fox News auditions.

It says something when a guy who intentionally goes by “Bubba the Love Sponge” isn’t the most disgusting person in a conversation.


Megan, whenever they start to get on your nerves, remind yourself they make more money in a year than you will in your entire life.

Meh. I don’t find them particularly boring and I do not find their lack of embarrassment problematic at all. They are just a bunch of enthusiastic and fairly talented a capella singers. I ain’t mad at ‘em.

And people wonder why victims don’t come forward right away.

It’s for probation on the charge of felony unlawful restraint, not sexual assault – therefore, he will not have to register as a sex offender.

“By agreeing to this plea, Hillary Laborde and the DA’s office have allowed that rape is no longer a crime in Texas,” —- yep.

but gee, think about how getting rightfully convicted would’ve ruined his whole life... 

Punishing a rich dude with a fine just means it's legal as long as you can afford it. Way to uphold the legal system, DA.

FREE counselling?!? For the rapist, not the victim?!

Went to Baylor. All my friends went there. We all hope it burns to the ground. It is not a place for young women for about 80000 reasons. It’s the buckle of the bible belt and I don’t know how I survived but I did a lot of gay rights work I’m proud of! 

Sounds about White.