Ah thanks. I'm happy and it feels right. Grief is inevitable but temporary when it comes to dealing with bigots like Chappelle.
Congrats by the way for coming out!
Oh Jesus Christ. As someone who has struggled with gender identity and after this year identity as a woman this is goddamn miserable. I live in the same state Chappelle calls home and people loooooove him here. Siding with JK Rowling is a rather quick and easy way to out yourself as an asshole.
People go on about touchy-feely liberal clapter, but it’s always the edgy anti-PC crowd who give these tedious, preachy speeches. It’s the same kind of persecution complex that made late-period Lenny Bruce and Bill Hicks so exhausting.
“Kinja is a harsh mistress.”
please release me kinja...
“The A.V. Club is my Facebook”
Doesn’t a single company’s IT problem impacting so many facets of so many people’s lives simply illustrate that the company should fail?
It’s also really hard to get ungrayed here...except for the times when it's easy. If you log off your account, you better not forget the login info. Kinja is a harsh mistress.
At least Facebook notifies you when you’re conversing with someone and lets you immediately get to the exact conversation.
It’s inspiring to see her (and Land) climb out of the abyss. But Maid is limited by the white lens through which it is told. The show is empathetic about the plight of women like Alex, but doesn’t do enough to demonstrate how distinct their experiences are. Nor does it acknowledge the level of privilege that Alex, a…
Weird comment, brother.
Neither can I.
ScarJo being rich doesn’t absolve Disney of breaking their contract and then trying to bully her into submission.
She is a producer on this movie it wasn’t only about paying herself it was about paying out her whole team down to people who make scale...hairdressers, trainers, etc...
same. avclub writers are so often stuck in their little twitter bubble its embarrassing.
First I’ve heard of this meme, but I’m glad Craig has been informed
Once in a life time is seeing the Aztec pyramids in person. Watching elephants graze on the plains of Africa. Walking the Great Wall. Watching the Northern Lights. Feeling the winds of the coldest place on earth. Sweating in the Amazon. Not...staying in a heavily branded version of one of those fantasy motel suites.