Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

I, for one, welcome our etc. etc.

But I thought that was just a legend!

Not enough apostrophes.

Ohhh, good call about the migraines. I might try that — mine are getting more frequent with the barometric and allergen changes. I usually just pound a vitamin water and lie down and put a wet wash cloth over my face.

I think I disagree with you, there. You may have created a cocktail that renders the drinker immune to hangover.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

I'm at work so just Google rule 34 + C3PO & R2D2

A joke about nerds with asthma? Cmon, Katie, you gotta follow that up with a blonde joke and something about airline food. And what is the deal with the homoerotic droids?

True. I love mine, but it's hard to carry comfortably. It used to be my off-duty carry but it was really impractical. I don't carry anymore, so it's not really an issue now.

That's exactly what I have! Well, and a Mossberg home defense 12 GA, but that's in a safe at my parents' farm.

I've actually been considering starting a company for firearms training for liberals and first time gun owners, I've been seeing this sentiment pop up so much.

Just in time for the collapse of modern society!

I'm a Blue Dog Democrat (if those still exist) and a gun owner, but have never had the desire to buy an AR until now.

I read the AV Club. So much anger and hatred. Just the hatred. I don't read it anymore.
The AV Club

That's terrible.

Opportunist, shitheel. Potato, potato.

Oh, Britta's in this?

Hey, Jaws IV made a lot of sense when I was 8 years old. Also, there was an NES game! Critics lauded it as one of the video games released in 1987.

So, like Hank Aaron. Agreed.

I think it would be kind of hard to join The Security of Our Nation Is At Stake as a party at this point