Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

Yeah, my dad was a career Navy guy and, I don't think, was ever ship-based. He was an enlisted avionics tech on P-3s and went to flight school and became an officer. Flew P-3s for the last 20 years of his career.

Descending-into-the-bowels-of-madness Dirtbike is the best kind of Dirtbike!

Awww, I love you, Dirtbike, you old so-and-so

Yeah, it was allowed on some of the beaches.

This hearing is off the hook! Are we cowabunga on this ruling?

Whenever I used to drive through there I'd take my Jeep out on the beach and spin donuts. Are you still allowed to do that?

I'm a United Methodist and regularly attend church (I miss a service maybe once every couple of months). But I wouldn't describe myself as ultra-religious. I simply believe and find comfort in the story, having also gone through a lot of the self-examination you probably did. When I first started commenting on the AV

So sorry, man. You and I have almost the exact same pop culture mourning devices (I don't think I've seen Prince of Space, but I definitely watch the other two when I'm feeling down). And I've seen 30 Rock more times than I can count.

Wife and I went to a BBQ joint in our neighborhood and celebrated my last day of work and mourned a motion she lost on a case she thought was a slam dunk (do kids still say that?). This is in a hipstery part of town with fucking $12 cocktails. So I'm tickled that they sell tallboys of Hamm's for $3 — I can actually

It's realy the easiest I have ever do.

I quite like your username, sir.

Mmmm eclair

*checks marriage certificate*

I'm guessing you aren't married.

Making gains takes serious commitment. Don't give up just because you haven't seen immediate results, I say.


Fuck, was I supposed to make 8562$ monthly from home and get a new MacLaren?

I don't know if you heard but Bill Cosplay was arrested.

I finally sought therapy almost a year ago. Making a lot of progress and way less depressed than I was last year. Best of luck to you.

Haha! Now, what's that from?