Lieutenant Colonel Mack Balls

Yeah, appearing evasive is not good. As an attorney, you want the person to appear credible and likeable, especially if they are the defendant.

It's a civil case (for damages), not a criminal one, so Bieber can't take the Fifth at trial, so getting a kitchen-sink amount of information can also help you impeach their credibility if they don't give consistent answers. If they're a likeable witness, imply that their memory isn't great. If they're unlikeable,

I don't have much experience with depositions, but I'm pretty sure there are only a handful of objections you can make, based mostly on procedural grounds or the phrasing of questions. It's not like in court with the Law & Order-esque objections you can make.

Mrs. Balls takes a lot of depos for her job and she says the same thing. She loves it when people are evasive or say stupid shit because she knows she can impeach them with it if they ever go to trial. And if the depo is bad enough, there's a good chance the defense attorney will just try to settle.

I would, but I just found out that my presumed-dead best friend is the new leader of some South American narco-terrorists and I'm the only one who can stop him.

That is pretty awesome.

Don't be so hard on the kid. He must have said it on incident.

Yeah, they're not great at making characters of any race super three-dimensional, but I'm glad they're breathing some life into the people of color on this show. It's refreshing after the first couple of seasons.

*pours out some liquor from a bottle labeled "interchangeable black man"*

Yeah, my thought was that he wanted to get rid of/or take in fucking Poppins the Dog really quick so he could get back to his pigs feet candlelight dinner with Beth. Got careless and didn't check. I just thought it was pretty apparent that there was a human form on the other side of the door.

How has no one mentioned the return of Poppins the Dog? He must've run all the way from Philadelphia! You just have to use your knuckle to pop his eye back in.

Someone else mentioned the faster zombies in season one in Atlanta; I always thought that they showed that "fresher" zombies were faster, too, but there's no way of knowing whether that was the case here or whether they're just using it as a plot device. Probably the latter.

Shit, even I saw the walker on the other side of the door through the slats. I tend not to get too wound up when this show drops the ball on realism, but I was straining to suspend my disbelief there.

I haven't seen Zardoz, so I didn't get the reference. Logan's Run is the main one I got out of it, also.

To the Outlands with you!

I know I could JFGI, but I didn't get the reference. Loved the Logan's Run stuff, though.

Happy to oblige, and thanks for the suggestions. By the way, Mrs. Balls says the name of the place in Wallingford is Djan's. It's just west of I-5.

Top Pot is solid, but can be a little pricey. There are some hole-in-the-wall (usually Asian family-owned, in my experience) doughnut places that are killer and pretty cheap, but they're harder to find.

My parents were teetotalers, so we only had hot ham water.

Reminds me of Georgetown Cupcake in DC. Sure, it's an A- cupcake, but I'd rather get a B+ cupcake and not wait in line for a fucking hour.