What are you going to do, not have butts?
What are you going to do, not have butts?
I was thinking the exact same thing — I assumed it was some dark serial-killer drama that my parents watch and Netflix keeps suggesting to me.
Come to Seattle. For some reason that I haven't figured out, there's one here.
And more 4-day weekends than you can shake a stick at!
Absinthe story time:
I would go just to be able to say, "[friend's name], we are LEAVING!"
Man, I still haven't seen that. Heard lots of good things, though.
A show based on this guy or other officers *might* be funny, but I'd be worried that audiences wouldn't find the character believable.
Do middle schoolers even learn about split infinitives and participles anymore? And I don't think I've diagrammed a sentence since I was in 2nd grade.
I think they mostly teach artless use of the passive voice and needless use of five-dollar words.
I was a legal writing teaching assistant my second year of law school. Surprisingly, considering the self-selecting element there, we had a lot of the same problems — really smart kids who couldn't write for shit.
A friend of mine wrote something similar:
I used to be a liaison officer to a large metropolitan police department for a state law enforcement agency. Some of the reports I read would make a middle school English teacher shudder.
I mean, there's gotta be some comedy gold in those OERs and TOC sessions, amirite?
Never heard of that one — have to check it out. These military-themed shows generally don't get the idea that most of being deployed isn't "Black Hawk Down" level shitstorm, it's mostly watching the same DVDs hundreds of times and trying to find quiet places to masturbate.
I spent some time at FOB Marez (six weeks) and FOB Sykes (four months) in Iraq as a joe. Have you guys seen the show? From the trailers earlier this year, I thought it was going to be terrible, but it's been getting surprisingly good reviews from military-vetted sources.
That Henry Gale episode arc is still one of my favorite things ever on television.
He was so awesome on Lost. I was kind of irritated when they unceremoniously killed him off when it was pretty apparent that they'd intended a longer character arc for him. But I don't begrudge him getting a better acting gig.
Could someone explain to me why everyone hates "F+W" so much? I certainly never thought of it as one of my favorites, but I don't cringe through it on re-watching like I do the Nikki and Paulo episodes (which, strangely enough, weren't as bad as I remembered when I rewatched this fall).
4, 2, 3 (in order) for me. 5 seemed a little shoehorned. And I actually liked most of 6, too, and don't understand a lot of the hatred for it. Although, I started rewatching when I was overseas for a couple months this fall and was dreading having to watch all the flash-sideways moments knowing that they were, for the…